Are All Religions Right?

by Perry Hall

I needed another car, so I did a test drive. Somehow, I managed to turn the discussion to the religious. He grew up as a Christian, married a Muslim, and said they are all the same because everyone worships the same God and are good people.

There are undoubtedly many good people, regardless of religion or even no religion. And we should treat others with respect regardless of our agreement or disagreement.

But these facts cannot be denied.

  • Christianity teaches Jesus was crucified. Islam denies this.
  • Christianity teaches Jesus was crucified for our sins. Islam teaches salvation by the necessity of one's good works outnumbering evil works.
  • Christianity teaches Jesus was resurrected. Islam denies this.

I pointed out some of the above, and there is more. Both Christianity and Islam cannot be true, so which one?

While test-driving the car, the engine light came on. He tried to say that religions are like the engine light. Whether on or off, it is still a good car. My response was that whether a car is good is an opinion; however, it is a fact that the engine light is on.

The conversation continued after we got back. I invited him to church if he found himself in our area. Pray that he will recognize that two religions can't both be true if they contradict each other. There is one gospel. Ultimately, the gospel is not measured by how good we can become; rather, we need to be saved from how evil we were. Only Jesus crucified can accomplish our salvation.