Abijah’s Brief Reign

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton

Text: II Chronicles 13


I.         Abijah succeed Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, as king of Judah - II Chronicles 13:1-2

            A.        This same king is call Abijam in I Kings 15:1-8.

                        1.         Not much is mentioned of him I Kings other than there was constant war between Abijah and Jeroboam, the king of Israel.

                        2.         We want to also take note that he wasn’t a steadfast follower of God - I Kings 15:3

            B.        We cannot be certain who started this war, but we find Abijah with 400,000 men facing Jeroboam’s army of 800,000.

            C.        But the account in II Chronicles has more details because of what Abijah said.

II.        Abijah’s charges against Jeroboam

            A.        Jeroboam does not have a legitimate claim to rule because that was given to the heirs of David - II Chronicles 13:5-7

                        1.         Abijah glosses over the fact that God gave the 10 tribes to Jeroboam because of Solomon’s sins - I Kings 11:9-13

                                    a.         Notice that Solomon was warned twice before this judgment was brought

                        2.         Jeroboam had rebelled because God told him to do so - I Kings 11:29-38

                                    a.         Jeroboam was offered an enduring kingdom, like David’s, if he followed God

                                    b.         But he didn’t. He established idols to separate the people from Jerusalem - I Kings 12:26-31

                        3.         Abijah claimed that he only got away with it because Rehoboam was too young and timid

                                    a.         Truth is that Rehoboam caused the rebellion by insisting on increasing the taxes - I Kings 12:13-16

            B.        He resists the kingdom of the Lord by making idols - II Chronicles 13:8

            C.        He drove out the priests and Levites and replaced them whoever made offerings to his idols - II Chronicles 13:9

            D.        He was fighting against the Lord - II Chronicles 13:12

                        1.         I would like you to take note of the shift

                                    a.         God gave the rule to David’s heirs - II Chronicles 13:5

                                    b.         Jeroboam rebelled against his master - II Chronicles 13:6

                                    c.         Jeroboam resisted the kingdom of the Lord - II Chronicles 13:8

                                    d.         Jeroboam had forsaken God - II Chronicles 13:11

                                    e.         Jeroboam was fighting against God - II Chronicles 13:12

                        2.         To fight against what God established is to fight against God Himself

III.       Ever are there people who claim to follow God while rebelling against what God established.

            A.        The children of Israel

                        1.         Complained against Moses - Exodus 16:2

                        2.         But Moses pointed out they were complaining against God - Exodus 16:7

                        3.         But that is because Moses was in his position by God’s authority

            B.        Second example

                        1.         Complained against Moses - Numbers 14:2

                        2.         God said it was a complaint against Him - Numbers 14:27,35

            C.        Paul

                        1.         Sought to destroy the church - Galatians 1:13

                        2.         But Jesus said he was persecuting him personally - Acts 9:4-5

            D.        One of the arguments against premillennialism is that it makes the church insignificant – a last minute substitute that does matter

                        1.         But the church was the result of God’s wisdom - Ephesians 3:10-11

IV.      I was talking to someone and he objected to my quoting Scriptures. All that is needed, he said, was to tell people about Jesus!

            A.        Sometimes this is known as “Teach the man and not the plan”

            B.        Noticed that Abijah listed out how Jeroboam had corrupted the true religion, unlike Judah - II Chronicles 13:8-11

                        1.         The corruption of God’s plan for worship was a rebellion against God Himself!

                        2.         This wasn’t a single issue litmus test. This as solid evidence that rebellion in one aspect indicates rebellion in other areas as well.

            C.        When Paul preached against circumcision - Galatians 5:2-4

                        1.         Notice that pushing circumcision was a rebellion against Christ Himself

                        2.         It wasn’t a one issue litmus test, but evidence of widespread rebellion.

            D.        In the same way, when we point out that the use of instrumental music is a change to worship, it isn’t that single issue. It establishes that people pushing it are willing to rebel against the God who established what He wanted in worship

            E.        You can’t separate Jesus from his teachings - Luke 6:46; Matthew 7:21-23

            F.        By teaching contrary doctrine, they are slaves of their own appetite instead of servants of the Lord - Romans 16:17-18

V.        I find it interesting that God did help Abijah, but He didn’t help immediately

            A.        Jeroboam sent a group to ambush Abijah between the main army and the ambush

            B.        It was only when Abijah realized they were in trouble, needed God desperately, and then cried out to God for help that God stepped in - II Chronicles 13:13-17

            C.        God proved that He alone is real by supporting those who followed him against overwhelming odds and providing an overwhelming victory.

            D.        No matter how successful a false doctrine might appear at the moment, it never succeeds in the end when it goes against God.