A Pattern of Miracles
by Terry Wane Benton
At Creation, we find miracles (instant everything), and natural law kept things going when they were completed. No more making man instantly from the dust, but letting things progress naturally.
The Law of Moses was ushered in with signs and wonders, and the prophets were given signs to verify that God was giving their message. The Old Testament ends with 400 years of silence (no new messages with miraculous confirmation).
Then Jesus breaks the silence with miracles and a new kingdom message, and His apostles are given miraculous power to reveal the testimony of the New Testament and confirm it with signs and wonders (Hebrews 2:1-4; Mark 16:20). A promise that those signs would cease when it was complete (I Corinthians 13:8-13) followed the same pattern we saw before.
This is why we do not see those miraculous signs continue. God can make new men from the dust of the ground, but His will is to bring new life through natural means. God could do miraculous signs but has chosen to let His power be observed in nature and the power of His word to do the transformative work of salvation (Hebrews 4:12).