In the Bible or Not?

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In the Bible or Not?

There are many phrases in our language that we just know are in the Bible, but when we look they aren't there. Which of the following twenty phrases are from the Bible? Each time you take this quiz a different set of phrases will be given.

1 / 20

1. If, at first, you don't succeed, try again

2 / 20

2. All that glitters is not gold

3 / 20

3. A soft answer turneth away wrath

4 / 20

4. By the skin of my teeth

5 / 20

5. Cleanliness is next to godliness

6 / 20

6. Every tub shall stand on its own bottom

7 / 20

7. Be ye not fanatical

8 / 20

8. Don't cast your pearls before swine

9 / 20

9. God helps those who help themselves

10 / 20

10. There is no rest for the wicked

11 / 20

11. Eat sour grapes and his teeth shall be set on edge

12 / 20

12. Lord, what fools these mortals be

13 / 20

13. All men are created equal

14 / 20

14. To err is human, to forgive is divine

15 / 20

15. God won’t give you more than you can handle

16 / 20

16. Look before you leap

17 / 20

17. A rolling stone gathers no moss

18 / 20

18. The way of transgressors is hard

19 / 20

19. Bread is the staff of life

20 / 20

20. The ax is laid to the root

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