Bible Literacy Quiz

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Bible Literacy

How well do you know your Bible? Here are 20 true/false questions.

1 / 20

1. Jubal invented the sundial.

2 / 20

2. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.

3 / 20

3. Paul told us to "prove all things."

4 / 20

4. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob

5 / 20

5. Cornelius was told to send for Peter.

6 / 20

6. The wise men visited baby Jesus in a stable.

7 / 20

7. Money is the root of all evil.

8 / 20

8. Faith without works is dead.

9 / 20

9. A donkey spoke to Balaam.

10 / 20

10. Ahab was a prophet of Baal.

11 / 20

11. Jesus was visited by an unknown number of wise men after his birth.

12 / 20

12. "Blessed" means favored or happy.

13 / 20

13. One must have faith to please God.

14 / 20

14. Mark was called a "son of consolation."

15 / 20

15. Naaman was a scribe.

16 / 20

16. Ehud was a left-handed judge.

17 / 20

17. Scribes escorted Paul to Caesarea.

18 / 20

18. Moses broke the ten commandments.

19 / 20

19. Ezekiel was called "son of man."

20 / 20

20. Pilate washed his hands of Jesus.

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