How do you explain praying God’s will and not your own?

Question: How can I best explain to someone about praying God’s will? Her sister is deathly ill and she just keeps praying for the sister to be cured of cancer. I told her she should be praying God’s will, not her own. She doesn’t understand and I am not sure how to explain it. She…

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Is our college Bible study group operating in a scriptural manner?

Question: I recently was baptized into the church of Christ. I have been attending services at a local church of Christ for over three years, but being raised in a Catholic environment I wanted to learn more before being baptized. Within the past year I joined the Christian Student Center at the college I attend,…

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What did Jesus expect of Peter when he said to feed his sheep?

Question: Our Lord Jesus in John 21 tells the apostle Peter to feed His sheep three times. What role was Peter being told to assume? Is it that of an elder?  Which sheep was our Lord talking about? Is it the other apostles and disciples or the church that was going to be established at Jerusalem?…

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Why do we use songs by writers who did not believe the truth?

Question: The part I am not really understanding is why we choose to use songs by Fanny Crosby or Isaac Watts etc. They didn’t even believe the truth. Using the words of false teachers in praise to our heavenly Father? There are other choices. I will be continuing to pray and study this subject. I…

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Different Views of Truth

by Shane Williams via The Lilbourn light, Vol. 9, No. 11, March 2009. Isn’t it interesting that two people can see the same thing and come away with two different conclusions? The same thing can be said concerning what we hear or what we read. When the twelve spies were sent to explore the Promised…

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Questions about the use of funds given to the church

Question: Having read your articles and also was a member of the conservative church for 24 years I have some questions. The conservatives say it is ok to use the Lord’s money for a $20,000 yard but wrong to give a sinner some food from the treasury. Really? It is ok to rent a place to…

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by Steve Klein Today we have experts and scholars on every subject imaginable – from global warming to cotton farming.  Timothy Jay is an expert on cursing.  He’s made quite a study of it, written two books about it, and talks about it often to his students at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts where…

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Why is the Qur’an different from the Bible?

Question: Even though I live in a very conservative Muslim society, I grew up in a somewhat liberal Muslim family. Furthermore, my Muslim upbringing was unique due to my father’s and mother’s serious involvement in Islam. I personally do not consider myself very religious. However, throughout all this time I never doubted the fundamentals of…

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It is getting hard not to have sex. I want to marry my boyfriend, but I don’t want to give up my independence. Can we get married so we can have sex, but still live apart?

Question: Didn’t people get married during or soon after puberty in Biblical times? It seems like it would be a lot easier to abstain from premarital sex if people were getting married as teenagers. In our society, people usually get married in their mid to late 20s, 10 or more years after sexual maturity. People…

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Who wrote II Kings?

Question: Who wrote II Kings? Answer: I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, and II Kings are actually one long book that became divided into four parts. Scrolls can only hold so much before they become unwieldy. The books are thought to be the work of a series of prophets. Such makes the most sense since…

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Consistency and Character

by James R. Cope via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1951. Reputation and Character Character is what we are. It is the sum total of qualities that distinguish one person from another. Reputation is what is said about us — that which others think we are. Character and reputation are sometimes the same: perhaps…

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Consider the Cost First to Lessen the Debt Later

by Kent Heaton The burden of debt robs happiness and joy from life. In our economic crisis, our world has been propelled into a dark period of hardship, sadness, and depression. As many have spent their time enjoying whatever the heart finds to do the day of reckoning brings about the reality of life unbridled.…

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Can two homosexuals truly love each other?

Question: I was wondering, can you explain loving someone as in I Corinthians 13? My friend I disagree regarding whether homosexuals love each other because the basis of their relationship is sin; there is nothing good about it. They might be nice to each other, get each other things, and be self-sacrificing in certain areas…

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Do you know of the baptism of fire?

Question: Do you know of the baptism of fire? Answer: See: Please explain the “baptism of fire.” Question: [unedited] So do you want to know how it is done?  It has to do with following in the footsteps of Christ and the commitments you make along the way… for me I chose to take Jesus place…

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Are all sins equal? Is no sin greater or worse than another sin?

Question: I have heard sin is sin and no sin is greater, heavier, or worse than the other.  Is this scriptural, if so where is this found, or is this old hearsay? Answer: If you are looking at it from the ultimate result of unrepented sin, all sins lead to the same consequence — an…

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If God gives us talent, then can we not use that talent to worship God?

Question: I witness the following conversation between two brothers and it went like this: Brother A stated, “We are not to worship or praise God on this side of the cross with instrumental music.”  Brother A went on to state “This applies to the first day of the week during corporate worship or praise and…

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If the whole church makes decisions, how is it organized?

Question: I read the reply by Ney Rieber, to the question posed by one that was having a problem reconciling with a congregation that does not have elders. These questions come to mind and I hope you can help answer them when you have time or maybe point me toward a similar question you have answered.…

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Why did John doubt?

Question: In Matthew 3:13-17, John the Baptist meets Jesus and is resistant to baptizing him because he “seemed” to know that he was the Messiah and he thought that Jesus should baptize him instead.  Did John see the clouds open up and hear God’s voice?  Later, in Matthew 11:2-6, when he was in prison he…

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Congregational Independence

by Doy Moyer The Scriptures teach local congregational independence and autonomy. What does this mean? The body of Christ (universal terminology as in one body, Ephesians 4:1-3) is not some interconnected web of congregations; rather, the body is composed of individuals (see I Corinthians 12:12-27). Individual Christians ought to seek out other Christians in their…

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The Church: Yours, Mine, or the Lord’s?

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Feb. 6, 1976 Questions: Isn’t it true that the present-day church of Christ was begun in the early 1800s by Alexander and Thomas Campbell? Was there any organization of your church from the first to the 18th centuries? On what basis can your ministers claim that salvation can be obtained only through…

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I disagree with ‘Is Gambling Sinful?’

Question: I am a 16-year-old boy. I’ve grown up in the church and I hope to get a degree in Biblical and Religious Studies when I graduate college. I feel that I am more intelligent and mature than most boys my age. Having said this, I disagree with “Is Gambling Sinful?” on many points. Hopefully,…

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Church Recreation

by Keith Camp Recently I received an invitation to a facility that provided “ping pong, walking track, concerts, basketball, weights, pool table, board games, banquets, refreshments, etc.” No, the invitation did not come from the local Boy’s club. It came from a local church. Increasingly churches have begun to take on the atmosphere of social…

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The Children of One’s Youth

by Bryan Matthew Dockens The name Jamie Lynn Spears was unknown to me until the sixteen-year-old actress and younger sister of Britney Spears recently announced that she is expecting a child. This news has predictably brought increased attention to the issue of teen pregnancy. Allow me to submit for your consideration, however, that the problem,…

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Changing the Revelations of Mormonism

by Dudley Ross Spears via Valley View Church of Christ Web Site Realizing the importance of having correct copies, the leaders of the Church determined to publish them. Because the originals contained spelling and grammar errors, a Church conference moved that Joseph Smith should make the necessary corrections. (Far West Record, p. 16) This was the beginning…

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By Any Other Name

by Glenn Hamilton Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told of a distinguished minister, Dr. Howard from Australia, who preached very strongly on the subject of sin. After the meeting, someone remarked “Dr. Howard, you shouldn’t talk as openly as you do about man’s guilt and corruption as it may offend someone. And if our boys and…

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Shame on Christians who think God ordained that they should eat meat

Question: To consume animals that begged for mercy in their own tongue is not conducive to manifesting the fruits of the spirit “as found in Galatians” in fact it is impossible to harm man or beast and still manifest such fruit. Those who are not merciful will be denied mercy themselves Matthew 5 Also, it is…

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Where in the Bible Is Instrumental Music Forbidden?

by Jerry Fite Nowhere in the Bible does God explicitly forbid the use of instrumental music in worship. Some find implicit condemnation in Amos 6:1-5, where the prophet writes, “they invent for themselves instruments of music, like David.” But upon a closer contextual examination, one must conclude that the self-indulgent and insensate idolator is condemned,…

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Constantine created the King James Bible

Question: Left unedited. I read “The Origin of the King James Version” and find it very interesting but you never say anything about the actual origin of the King James Bible. In short, this version was created by Emperor Constantine in the year 325AD. At this time, he was losing his hold on his empire…

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What questions should brethren ask of a man wanting to preach for them?

Question: We have a couple of other men here who fill in with the preaching service occasionally and have asked me for suggestions that might help them improve.  One of them has expressed an interest in possibly looking for a preaching job.  So, I believe a “preacher training class” would be in order. The question I want…

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When God Told David, “No” by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Samuel 7:1-17   I.         David had gained a measure of peace in his reign. The battles had settled down. Now was a time to think about other things.             A.        David was embarrassed that he lived in a fine, solidly built house while God’s “house” remained a tent.             B.        It was David’s…

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Hannah’s Prayer by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Samuel 1:9-18   I.         I Thessalonians 5:17             A.        It is a short passage, but it isn’t short on meaning. What is meant “without ceasing?”             B.        Paul isn’t talking about a 24-hour a day, non-stop prayer. There are other things which must be accomplished in life.             C.        He is talking about prayer where…

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Does the use of parts justify the use of choirs and solos?

Question: Choirs and solo supporters say that the entire congregation must sing every word simultaneously. They say “If we can not have choirs and solos, you can not sing in four-part harmony.” How can I respond to them? Answer: Given the simple fact that men and women do not sing in the same range defeats…

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Did Amos curse those who introduced instrumental music into Hebrew worship?

Question: Is it true that Amos pronounced a curse upon those who, like David, introduced instrumental music into Hebrew worship? Answer: David did not introduce instrumental music into Israelite worship, God did. Long before David lived God commanded the Israelites to blow trumpets as part of their worship (Leviticus 23:24; Numbers 10:10). Prophets used instrumental…

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