Your website does an excellent job of explaining the Scriptures in an understandable manner
I was sitting here reading from the website "while I probably should be working," and thought I would send you an email telling you how special your website is at teaching and helping one understand the Scriptures. One of my problem areas is I know what is correct but have trouble understanding and developing a thorough process to bring it together. One of those areas is the baptism of Cornelius. The site explained the events that took place in an excellent manner. So excellent, in fact, that it is the reason for me taking the time to send this email. I commend you and the elders' work for spreading the true gospel from the New Testament pattern.
I could easily keep going, but I should get back to work.
I really appreciate the kind encouragement, though I hate to think I'm contributing to the lack of productivity in someone's business.
Sadly, La Vista has always been a small work, typically averaging about forty members. We tend to lose people to job moves about as fast as we bring them to Christ. There was only one year in its forty-year history when the congregation had elders. We just can't seem to keep multiple qualified men in the area long enough to have elders.
So what you see here is the work of one preacher doing what he can to teach the glorious good news.