Your timeline of the crucifixion was excellent



I came across your website while searching for a timeline of the crucifixion to use in my sermon next Sunday. Although it is not always imperative, I like to use materials written by Christians (in the biblical, not the modern, loose, perverted sense) for my study when possible, so I added the phrase "Church of Christ" to my search.  When I found your excellent summary of these events and saw the simple building featured on the site, I wondered exactly what kind of church you are; thus, I clicked the "Visit" and subsequently the "Who We Are" link.  I just wanted to tell you that what I found there is one of the best descriptions of Christ's church that I have encountered.  May God bless you and your efforts for Him.

I am yours for Christ.


Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm glad you found the material on the site useful.