Why do you refer to I Corinthians 13:8-10 to say prophecy would end?



You keep relaying I Corinthians 13:8-10 as biblical proof that prophecy has ended.

The Common English Bible (CEB) goes: “Love never fails. As for prophecies, they will be brought to an end. As for tongues, they will stop. As for knowledge, it will be brought to an end. We know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, what is partial will be brought to an end.”

You said in another one of your answers that the perfection they are referring to is the second coming of Jesus. The scripture says we know and prophecy (in part), meaning before the second coming of Jesus. Can you further explain? You always give this scripture as rhetoric regarding prophecy. So I’m trying to understand what you mean.


It would probably help if you actually cited what you believed that I said. Nowhere on this site do you find me stating that the perfect is the second coming of Jesus. Instead, you will find statements like:

"At the time I Corinthians was written, Paul stated that prophecy would end in the future. The marker indicating when prophecy would end was when the perfect comes. "Perfect" is in the neuter in Greek, meaning it refers to some thing and not some person. We know that James 1:25 refers to the New Testament as the perfect law of liberty." [Does prophecy continue because Revelation was written after I Corinthians?]

"Paul says the gift of prophecy would be done away. Tongues and (miraculous) knowledge would cease and be done way. When? “When the perfect comes.” Now, some claim that refers to the coming of Christ, and thus miracles will continue until he returns. But notice the text says “the perfect,” not “the perfect one,” nor “he that is perfect.” Other translations read “that which is perfect.” Christ is not a “that.” He is a person, not an inanimate object.

The point Paul is making is quite clear. During the 1st Century, the revelation was not complete. It took perhaps 50 years for the writings of the New Testament to be completed, as there is evidence John wrote the book of Revelation in the 90s. This is why the proclaimers of the gospel had to be “inspired” by the Holy Spirit to know what to write and preach. Christ told the apostles that after he had gone, the whole of God’s truth would be made known to them." [Miracles, Signs, and Wonders].

For an explanation of I Corinthians 13:8-13, see the end of The Greatest Gift Is Love.


Thank you for your reply. I must have misread. I was going by memory.