What if someone has no good qualities?


Hi Jeff,

I was looking again over your sermon “Ten Rules for Improving the Church,” and one point states:

"Consciously look for the good qualities in every brother or sister in Christ. When you think of a brother or sister, make a mental note of the good points each possesses."

I had an individual ask me: “What if there are some people who have no good qualities?” I had no idea how to answer that and was wondering if you have any thoughts on that. I also should add that the individual who asked me this has his own share of issues with a few individuals at the church where he is attending. From what I know about that, both he and the individuals he is having problems with have things they could improve on to help the situation.


No one, except God, is totally good. We all have flaws and we all make mistakes (Romans 3:9-18). But too often we fixate on only the bad things others do. We forget that the opposite is also true: no one is totally bad.

The exercise is to teach us to have a balanced view of other people. It is only with a balanced view that we are able to offer mercy to others (Luke 6:36) and show love to our enemies (Luke 6:35).

When someone says that another person has no good qualities, then you know the problem is with the person who refuses to see the good in other people. He is unable to make righteous judgments because he is noting only a portion of the truth (John 7:24). See Righteous Judgment.