Can you help? I’m feeling overwhelmed.

Question: Over the last couple of months, I have had a period of trials. Since September, I have had to break up with my girlfriend, which has left me somewhat lonely, I received a low job review (which I thought I should have challenged, since I felt unfairly rated, but was still feeling upset about…

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Why does a good person come down with cancer?

Question: I got a call from a friend telling me that another really good friend’s wife has just been diagnosed with cancer all through her body. It is one of those cases where I have to wonder, “Why?” and “Where is the fairness in this life?” as this lady was tops in my book, just…

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Why was I born if God knew I would fail?

Question: In the last couple of months, a question has come up at least three times. I am guessing that many others may be asking it as well. Perhaps you can help answer it. The question is essentially this, “Why was I born, without choice in the matter, into a world where chances for spiritual…

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The Book of Job

Text: Job 1:6-12   I.         If someone asked you what the book of Job was about, how would you answer?             A.        Most of us would point out that it deals with the question of human suffering.                         1.         The book tells the story of a man who loses everything                         2.         He suffers greatly and wrestles with the apparent injustice of…

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Does God Make the Handicapped?

Text: Exodus 4:10-12   I.          We desire explanations for the world and its events              A.         It is not enough that things happen, most of us are curious as to why they happen                           1.          Even the three-year-old will drive his parents to distraction asking “Why?”              B.         Hence, when disciples come across a blind man, it brought a question to their…

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How do you keep focused in life?

Question: The advice you give is very encouraging and as a young man, it is helpful. My question is that being a young Christian man, it is very challenging to walk the Christian life. Having friends in the world and being associated with a female in a denomination, it is difficult to keep focused. I…

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Trials of Life

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, believers have been told that God knows our hearts (I Samuel 16:7, Luke 16:15). He not only knows what we at thinking at this moment, but he also understands our inclinations and desires. God knows each of us better than we understand…

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How can you take up a cross and follow Christ today?

Question: Regarding Matthew 10:38: What is it to take a cross and follow Christ today? Answer: We see the cross today as the jagged, wooden instrument used in putting to death Jesus Christ our Savior. Yet before His followers had even a slight idea that Jesus would die by that manner, Jesus spoke of the cross.…

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The Buzzard, Bat, and Bumblebee

Author Unknown BUZZARD If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run…

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Are recent natural disasters signs?

Question: What about the sign that is happening in recent times where natural disasters become such a frequent thing? What is your view toward it? Answer: There is built within your question an assumption that frequent natural disasters are a sign. A sign of what, I’m not told, but it obviously must be a sign…

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Is God cleansing the earth with these recent storms?

Question: Is God cleansing the earth with these recent storms? If so, is it because of divorce and the return of the Nephilim? Answer: While the Bible discloses that God has used storms in the past to accomplish His will, the Bible warns man not to try and second guess God. “”For My thoughts are…

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Why Does God Allow Evil?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton There is no doubt that sin, and the evil that accompanies it, exists in this world. When atrocious examples of evil come to our attention, people commonly wonder why God allows such evil to happen. Atheists will use the very existence of obvious evil to argue against God. “If God were…

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Trials of Life

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         God knows the hearts of men             A.        I Samuel 16:7 “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”             B.        Luke 16:15 “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your…

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Where was God’s protection for those caught in the September 11th tragedy?

Question: I recently read a piece lauding the blessings of the people who were supposed to be at the World Trade Center the morning of September 11, 2002, but in small ways, they were detained by the mishaps of life, faulty alarms, children dallying, traffic, etc. These people were saying how good and protective God…

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