Posts Tagged ‘Passover’
The Passover Lamb and Baptism
by Matthew W. Bassford The story of the first Passover is familiar to most of us. In Exodus 12, Moses instructs the Israelites to take an unblemished male lamb, slaughter it, eat it as part of a ritual meal, and apply its blood to the doorposts and lintels of their houses. This strange ceremony had…
Read MoreThe Passover Paradigm for Christ’s Death and God’s Wrath
by Doy Moyer How can understanding the connection between Christ’s death as the Lamb of God and the Passover event help us in understanding Christ’s death as it relates to God’s wrath? First, to see Christ’s death connected to Passover is biblical: “Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (I Corinthians 5:7). Second, we cannot…
Read MoreUnleavened Bread by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 12:14-20 I. Sometimes you can’t wait A. When Lot invited men to spend the night at his home, he didn’t have time wait for bread dough to rise, so his feast was served with unleavened bread – Genesis 19:3 B. When it was time for Israel to leave Egypt, the…
Read MoreJesus and the Passover
by Alan Feaster “for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40). Jesus, we know without a doubt was in the grave for three days, it was prophesied many times. When we say three days,…
Read MoreJewish Feasts and Festivals
by Kyle Campbell via Truth Magazine In order to fully understand the Jewish religion and people, and to gain a greater perspective of a number of events in the New Testament, one needs to study the Jewish feasts and festivals. The Jewish feasts and festivals were scheduled at specific times in the annual calendar and they…
Read MoreWas the Lord’s Supper a part of the Passover meal?
Question: Greetings, First, I’d like to say that I praise God for your site. I use it for my Bible study and it has really helped me a lot. Now the question I have is whether or not it is sinful for me to be in a church that is teaching we should only use…
Read MoreI can’t figure out when Jesus ate the Passover meal
Question: Before last night I was convinced that Thursday was the date of the crucifixion. But after discussing it with another preacher, I’m not so sure. Knowing that you also take the Thursday crucifixion date position (I’ve seen your articles and charts), I want to inquire of you so I can come to the best understanding…
Read MoreShould Churches of Christ Observe Passover?
by Mark W.White via Biblical Insights, Vol. 13, No. 1, January 2013 The Jewish Passover usually comes around each year in our month of April. Those who are familiar with Old Testament history understand the significance of this holy day for the Jewish nation. God delivered the children of Israel from their Egyptian bondage through a…
Read MoreCould you also prove that vegetarianism is not required by Passover?
Question: I read your dialogue with the vegetarian and there is a rebuttal on your part that was not mentioned. The Israelites are human and God commanded them to eat the lamb at Passover and that nothing of it was to be left until morning and if any was, it was to be burned. Answer: Having had a…
Read MoreAre Christians required to observe Passover?
Question: Is the Passover meal a requirement for Christians meaning if they do not eat it they sinned or is it more of a celebration or memorial as to what Christ has done for us? Please explain if possible. Answer: The Passover was a memorial under the Old Testament. It reminded the Israelites that the…
Read MoreIsn’t it true that Jesus did not have to eat the Passover lamb because he had no sin?
Question: I recently read your article “Was Jesus a Vegetarian?”. There is only a few things I would like to comment on. First thing, I eat fish and am not in any way involved with PETA. But Jesus would not have had to eat the Passover lamb, the lamb was killed as an offering because of sin, the…
Read MoreChristians and the Passover
by Gilbert Alexander The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is honored with deep love and respect by all Christians everywhere, and they assemble in localities throughout the world on the first day of every week to remember His death in His memorial supper as He commanded and as Christians have done since the…
Read MoreWhat new law was given concerning the Passover in Numbers 9?
Question: Maybe you can help straighten me out. I have been asked to teach the book of Numbers so I decided to use David Padfield’s lesson on it, had pamphlets of it made up for each member in the class before studying it thoroughly as I should have and find myself really struggling to find…
Read MoreWhen is Passover?
Question: When is Passover? Answer: “On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the LORD’S Passover” (Leviticus 23:5). While the answer is straight forward, mapping this day to our calendar is more challenging because Israel used lunar months. As a result, most years had 12 months but periodically they had a leap-month…
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