The Deity of Christ While on Earth by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 2:5-8   I.         A debate arose among brethren concerning the nature of Christ several decades ago             A.        I watched the debates rage. It is easy to see that both sides stretch the position of the other as they attempt to justify their belief.                         1.         It does not affect a person’s salvation…

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Acts 2 and 3 and the Gift of the Holy Spirit

by Doy Moyer When you layout Acts 2 and 3, there are some great comparisons. Both begin in the same basic way (Men of Judea, Men of Israel) and contain at least these similarities: They start by clearing up misunderstandings and reference a direct act of God’s power (Acts 2:15-20; 3:16-18). They show how the…

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The Omnis of God by Clint Crosier

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Pantheism and Deism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 5:8-21  I.         It is amazing the many, subtle ways Satan introduces false religions into the thinking of many well intentioned Christians             A.        Movies are a popular vehicle for false ideas. We often look for the big errors.                         1.         Example: Pocahontas was criticized for its slaughter of history and scantily dressed main…

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Can you explain God being omnipresent?

Question: I was wondering if you could go over the omnipresent power of God. Answer: Omnipresent is a word that means being everywhere at the same time. It is not a word found in the Bible, but it apply describes one of the characteristics of God. “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I was asked if I could explain the concept of indwelling, specifically the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is an interesting question because what is asked is not necessarily what the questioner intended to ask. Most who ask this question have numerous misconceptions that interfere with a plain answer to…

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