Posts Tagged ‘New American Standard’
Are the NKJV and NASB corrupted translations?
Question: [The original question contained two links to sites as “proof” of his points. Those links were removed to avoid advertizing questionable sites.] Hello, I visited your site and thank you for shedding some light on the Greek primacy vs Aramaic primacy of the original New Testament scriptures. I think the Aramaic argument is being…
Read MoreIs there a great difference between the NASB and the KJV? Can the NASB be trusted?
Question: Your web site is very informative. I attend a church that only recognizes KJV and no other. I read between NASB and KJV. Is there a great difference between the two? Can the NASB translation be trusted? Thank you for help in this matter. Answer: Both the King James Version and the New American…
Read MoreWhich Translation Should I Use?
Text: John 17 I. A question that I’m asked repeatedly is which translation is best? A. It is a good question because in English alone, one brother made a list of 128 different translations. The majority of them have been compiled in the last 100 years. B. Part of the reason for the wide variety is the…
Read MoreWhich Bible translations are the best?
Question: Which Bible translations have the highest accuracy? Answer: At one time Bible translations were an arduous task that took years, if not decades to complete. Now translations are appearing in rapid succession and it is becoming difficult to keep up with the many that are available. I’ll restrict my comments to those translations of…
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