Can you recommend books on the topic of miraculous gifts for today?

Question: I am currently doing a research paper on “Are the miraculous gifts for today?”  I read your sermon on your website and would like to know if you could recommend any books I should use for my research. Answer: Read C.S. Lewis’ book Miracles. Also, Apologetics Press has a good article on this topic: Modern-Day…

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Why won’t God heal amputees?

Question: Why won’t God heal amputees? After all, Jesus said, “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). Why doesn’t Jesus appear to us? Answer: The questions remind me of an event in the Gospels that we just studied last night. “Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him…

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Didn’t Joel say that young men would dream dreams?

Question: You said prophecies would cease, but it also says in the Bible young men will dream dreams and the older would have visions or something along those lines, so I’m really confused. Answer: God said, “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether…

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How many gifts did the early Christians receive from the Holy Spirit?

Question: I was wondering from I Corinthians 12:4-11 and other related passages, what you think to these questions. Did a Christian receive from the Holy Spirit only one spiritual gift or was it possible to receive more than one? In Acts 8:7, we read of Philip able to cast out demons and heal people. Is…

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What was the last miracle performed in the Bible?

Question: What was the last miracle performed in the Bible? Answer: The book of Revelation was the last to be written. In it, John was taken up to heaven “to show His servants–things which must shortly take place” (Revelation 1:1). Since this is beyond the natural ability of anyone in this world, it would be…

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The Scriptures and Context

by Ethan R. Longhenry “Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness. That the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work” (II Timothy 3:16-17). As Christians seeking to serve Jesus Christ according to His will (cf. Colossians 3:17),…

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Do miracles happen every day?

Question: Recently, in a discussion, someone said that miracles happen every day; and that if you anoint someone and pray over them, then they can be healed. Also, they say that proof of miracles today is the fruits of the Spirit. They “defy the nature of man,” so they are miracles. Even when we are…

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Why are some demons rebuked and others cast out?

Question: I wanted to know if you could tell me why in some incidents in the Bible demons are rebuked and other times they are cast out? Answer: In every verse that I could find involving a person possessed of a demon, the demon was cast out (or it might say that the person was…

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What does “anointing him with oil” mean?

Question: Will you please explain James 5:14 to me? I am especially interested in understanding “Anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” I have heard of elders in the church just recently who did this to a very sick lady that was on her deathbed. Is this verse to be taken as…

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The Baptism of Cornelius

Text: Acts 10:34-48   I.         Groups who believe in the direct operation of the Holy Spirit in their lives today will cite the conversion of Cornelius and his household as proof             A.        Some will go so far as to state that a person is not really saved unless they experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit.             B.        It…

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Why aren’t we following the Holy Spirit?

Question: I believe that the word of God is truly inspired and is the divine authority in every aspect of our lives today. The one problem I see in this answer to this question is that you seem to assume that everyone who believes that God speaks today does not read and study the Scripture…

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Faith Healers or ‘Fake’ Healers?

by Greg Gwin So-called “faith healers” continue to claim great abilities for healing various ail­ments of the physical body. While we steadfastly believe in all the miracles of the Bible, including the many instances of miraculous divine healing, we are equally as strong in our denial that these modern “healers” have any God-given power in…

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Do we have miracles from God today?

Question: Today, do we have miracles from God? Does God heal His believers if He so chooses, if it is His will or do we have what some call “through the natural order of things people are healed?” I realize we have no public healing today, but is the miraculous from God still in tact?…

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What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Question: What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Answer: When used in the plural (more than one gift), the gifts of the Holy Spirit refer to the miraculous gifts that Holy Spirit gave the early Christians. “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord.…

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Does the Spirit physically indwell a person?

Question: If the Holy Spirit never physically indwelled anyone in the Scripture; how is one to explain the concept of “the Spirit came upon them?” Answer: I don’t believe I ever said that the Holy Spirit never physically came upon anyone, though the Spirit is, well, spiritual and not physical. When Jesus was baptized we…

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Did You Ever Wonder Why …

by Floyd Chappelear … people who make astrological forecasts don’t get rich by shrewd investing in the stock market? It would seem that if they can truly foretell future events they should be able to do quite well. … people who believe in the “science of healing of the mind” wear glasses? It would seem that…

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