Can a Christian serve as a military chaplain?

Question: I am really curious about your thoughts on one being a military chaplain. Can one morally make that decision? There is a lot of pluralism in the military. I’m wondering if you are aware of the conflicts of people in the past. Answer: I don’t know of the conflicts in being a chaplain in the…

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I want to join the military, but my parents object

Question: I’m 17 years old and am about to graduate. Recently I have been given the opportunity to either go into the military or attended a university. I’m wanting to go into the military. My reason is that I want to help protect the U.S. from foreign dangers, but my parents don’t see it like…

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Is it wrong to want to join the military to kill terrorists?

Question: If you join the military with the intent to kill terrorists, is it a sin? I know killing in a war is not. But what about having the intent to bring safety to the world, or revenge against what the terrorists have done, or someone who just wants to feel what killing feels like?…

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How are conflicts between military service and God’s will handled?

Question: I read the article on your web site about Christians and military service written by a friend of yours. It’s a question that I am grappling with right now. There are quite a few things in his article that I am compelled to question. One of them is the section under the GOVERNMENT (WE THE PEOPLE…

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Is it right for a soldier to kill in war?

Question: Shortly after my fiance and I get married I will deploy to Iraq for the first time. I, being an infantry soldier, am trained to kill. It has always been a major concern of mine to kill in war, and I wonder if this is a sin recognized by God. I figured since and…

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Should a Christian serve in the military?

Question: Should a Christian serve in the military? Answer: I asked a friend, neighbor, and fellow Christian to address this question. I entered the Air Force in 1983 and have been a Christian for an even longer period of time. I am still serving my country and my God. Being in the military, like maybe…

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Is there any biblical support for war?

Question: Is there any biblical support for any country or human being to be in all-out war or conflict? Answer: Actually there are hundreds of passages that support the concept of war.  War is one of those topics that pacifists have to work hard to try to get it out of the Scripture.  To keep…

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May a Christian serve in government?

Question: May Christians serve as punitive agents, such as soldiers or policemen, for the civil government? Answer: There are several denominations which hold pacifist views. Some, such as Quakers, refuse to serve in any capacity where killing might be involved. Others, such as the Amish, reject all ties to civil authority. To answer your question…

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