Live Joyfully!

by Paul Earnhart Biblical Insights 14(9) September 2014 The Preacher concluded the eighth chapter with another of his oft-repeated observations that God’s ways are inscrutable to men, however wise (Ecclesiastes 8:17). Job, in his misery, twice asks plaintively: “But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?” (Job 28:12, 20). He then…

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Psalms 100 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 100   I.         There is a psalm which is specifically titled as one to be used for thanksgiving or during a thank offering, it is Psalms 100 II.        What you should do …             A.        Shout joyfully to the Lord                         1.         Some things are not meant to be kept in – Psalms 32:11;…

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Is life only enjoyable for the righteous when they reach heaven?

Question: Hi Jeff, I read in the Scriptures of all the good things, promises, happiness, peace, comfort and more that the righteous are told they will enjoy, but when you consider their life, it is mostly filled with misery. So I ask, is it only in heaven that they will enjoy these things? Thanks. Answer:…

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Is entertainment the devil’s substitute for joy?

Question: I recently listened to a sermon where the preacher said, if I remember correctly, “Entertainment is the devil’s substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.” Is that so? Before becoming a Christian, I had these habits of reading and consuming culture for selfish reasons, now…

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