I appreciate your web site

Question: I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your web site.  I was reading in Isaiah 35 where the prophecy was concerning the land of Edom and wondered where present-day Edom is.  I typed in Edom on bing.com and chose your web site.  It was very easy to read and understand and included…

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Doesn’t the Scriptures say that Edom took over Israel’s identity?

Question: I agree with you on Ezekiel 35, but according to Scripture Edom still exists.  The Scriptures clearly show that Edom assumed true Israel’s identity when Israel was forced out of Samaria and Judah.  The so-called Jew today is Edom according to Scripture.  Please read Jeremiah 25.  Moreover, read Ezekiel 35:9-15 again.  According to the word, Edom…

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What happened between Israel and Edom to cause Amaziah to invade them?

Question: What happened between Israel and Edom prior to II Chronicles 25:13? Answer: The invasion of Edom by King Amaziah of Judah is recorded in II Chronicles 25:5-16 and II Kings 14:7. Edom had been made a subjected nation by King David (II Samuel 8:13; Psalm 60:1). However, during the reign of King Joram, Edom…

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Where is Edom today?

Question: What is Edom’s name today? Answer: The country of Edom was founded by Jacob’s brother Esau. He picked up the nickname “Edom” or “Red” when he sold half of his massive inheritance for a simple bowl of red bean stew. Edom was located in the region to the southeast of Israel. Mount Seir was…

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