Growing as Disciples

by Clint Crosier Disciple: A learner, pupil, or follower devoted to the teachings of a master. In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.”  Jesus holds the key to heaven and our salvation, and we can only be with…

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How many disciples were there?

Question: Good Day, My question concerns the number of Jesus’s disciples. I read your answer addressing 12 disciples, but isn’t there additional biblical evidence that there were somewhere around 70 disciples? Please clarify. Thanks. Answer: The word “disciple” simply means a student or follower. When people talk about the twelve disciples, they are referring to…

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Disciples of Christ by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 28:18-20   I.         No one name is used to describe a person.             A.        A single word cannot encompass all that a person is. I could be called a preacher, but I’m also a father, a husband, a writer, a teacher, a computer scientist, a singer, and many other things.             B.        Similarly…

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