Peace of Mind

by Carey Scott

Our lives are a mess. We have so much going on all the time that we seldom take a pause to reflect upon our lives and determine if we are capable of having peace in our souls.  All the inventions that were supposed to make our lives easier have really only given us more time to question why we can not have peace with all the time we have.  We take the extra time and fit other things in their place.

Why is it we can not just put things on pause and take it easy?  Maybe people go on vacations to relax, but most of the time, they come home exhausted and ready to go back to work so they can relax.  Does that sound familiar?  It should be because we are all guilty of depriving ourselves of peace of mind.  It is as if we are purposefully sabotaging our happiness to feel what we think the world expects of us.

The thought that we can have peace of mind has no place in our human thinking. Or does it?  While we will deny ourselves such peace, it is also a dream that many of us have.  We all dream of being in a place where we are comforted and calm.  We would like to be in a place where things do not matter as much as we really think they do.  It is a place where we can just unplug life and sit and listen to the birds and the rustling of the trees.  It is a place of quiet solitude that we seek.  It is a place where many of the cares of this world are just put on the back burner and hopefully forgotten.

Many people have tried various ways to accomplish this quest of having peace of mind.  Some have tried meditation, yoga, drugs, or other methods to find peace.  Some people pay huge sums of money to have peace and quiet.  True peace of mind can only exist if we are at peace with ourselves and at peace with God.

Peace with ourselves takes place when we lower our expectations and can learn to live with less.  Contentment takes place when we are not bothered about how much something costs, or how valuable it is.  The expression that I would rather have a closet in heaven than a mansion in hell is the point.  Things do not always go our way, and we get frustrated and lash out at people that we should not be lashing out at.  Maybe it is the color of clothing they are wearing or the portion size of the meal that bugs us.  Let’s face it; we get peeved at the most insignificant things at times.  We do not like it when the people around us are continually complaining, but we have no problem complaining about any and everything.

Peace with God can only occur when we do things His way.  That may not sound fair, but that is the way God designed peace.  God promises to bless those who love Him and keep His commandments.  God promises us peace that will calm our souls, but it is conditional upon our faithfulness.  No one can have peace with God based on their emotional feelings.  The only people who have peace with God are His followers.  His followers demonstrate their faith by doing what God commanded of all men.

Peace of mind comes when we stop thinking only of ourselves.  We get all wrapped up in what others are doing for us or what we are getting ourselves involved in, and the focus is always on ourselves.  When we do that, we never have peace of mind.  But when we do for others and treat others well, we are doing what God wants us to do, and we can have peace in our souls because God looks favorably upon those who do good unto others.

Peace of mind comes when we accept our condition and can live with it.  We may not drive a luxury vehicle, but if what we have gets us there, that is what should matter.  We may not afford fancy food, but if we eat and fill our bellies, we are doing well.  The apostle Paul spoke about contentment.  He said that he learned to get along in poverty and prosperity (Philippians 4:12).  Can you say that?

Only God can give you true peace of mind (Philippians 4:7).  This happens when you surrender your life to Jesus Christ and learn to be obedient in all things that God commands us to do.  The start of this obedience is to accept the fact that Jesus Christ died upon the cross for your sins (Acts 8:37).  Recognizing your sins have separated you from God (Isaiah 59:2), you must repent of your sins (Acts 2:38) and determine to not sin anymore (I John 2:1).  You should also confess before others (Matthew 10:32) your faith in Christ, and your allegiance to Him.  Then you are ready for baptism which washes away your sins (Acts 22:16).  Now that you have become a Christian, your next command is to grow and mature yourself to be a faithful child of God in your whole life from now on (II Peter 3:18; Revelation 2:10).

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