Mercy to Enemies

by Zeke Flores

"Ah, sword of Yahweh, how long will you not be quiet? Withdraw into your sheath; be at rest and stay still. How can it be quiet? Yahweh has given it a command; against Ashkelon and against the seacoast — there He has assigned it" (Jeremiah 47:6-7 LSB).

While God's judgment is certain on those who deny their accountability to Him, Jeremiah 46:6-7 seems like a cry for mercy toward them. Whether it’s the anguish of the Philistines upon whom the devastation was promised or Jeremiah’s concern for his national neighbors, it’s a helpful reminder to be intercessors for people doomed to condemnation.

We may not like the attitudes and actions of the ungodly surrounding us, but what are we doing about it? Here are two things we can do:

The first is easy: Pray for them. Instead of complaining and lamenting their way of life, lift them up to God in prayer, hoping they’ll turn to Him.

The second is a little more challenging. Give them the message they need to change their ways. Try to think of ways to help without being confrontational, to declare God’s will without being obnoxious.

Being condemned before God is the worst thing that can happen to a person; wouldn’t you rather see them saved?

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