Leaving the Church

by Perry Hall

Meditate on this thought:

"What I believe about God's word is more important than how people treat me."

Many people will leave churches where they are mistreated and start worshiping with a friendly church that practices and teaches things contrary to what they believe. Whether they want to admit it or not, how they are treated is more important than what they believe.

This might sound harsh, but isn't loving others as Jesus loved us a "new commandment" (John 13:34-35) that churches should and must follow? Yes, but even if I am the only one, I can still practice that toward those who do not love me back while still practicing what I believe.

The reason I know that is better than partnering with a friendly church that practices what I know is unscriptural is simple. What did Jesus do? He gave his life, and when we live it, divine love has the power to change others as it changes me. So stay and change the culture while staying true to what you believe.