Imagined Obstacles
by Ray Warfel, Jr.
“Praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned” (Colossians 4:3).
I wonder if there is a play on the language here. Paul is in “chains” (CSB, NIV), prison but sees or at least is seeking an open door. Restricted as he was, Paul could still teach considerable numbers of people. This was certainly true in Philippi.
Meditating on this, I again wonder if we sometimes sabotage our effectiveness before we even begin to try. Do you focus on the obstacles stacked against you and your evangelist efforts? I remember sitting with a counselor several years ago when he made an observation that was so accurate and obvious, but I could not see it until he pointed it out. I had talked about my work as a small-town minister. I had shared some aspirations as a single man and soon-to-be empty nester. At some point, he stopped me and said, “Ray, you have a lot of great ideas, but as soon as you express one, you immediately begin listing all the reasons it won’t work.”
In the years since, I have tried, reached out, and explored opportunities. Some have not worked out as I had wished, but a lot have — more than I ever would have if I had refused to try because of the perceived obstacles. I truly mean this. My ministry is far more encouraging and energizing. My personal life is far more enjoyable. My outlook is so much more hopeful, positive, and rich than it was.
Does this resonate with you? What if you tried, regardless of the obstacles? What if you succeed?