I heard your article on clothing mentioned in a Jewish study
I am a member of the Presbyterian Church and regularly attend a Torah teaching study class at a nearby Jewish Synagogue. This Jewish congregation is very open and loving (as well as quite liberal and still far from the Lord) to those of us attending that are Christian and their Saturday morning teaching is quite provocative. We are in Genesis 3 and this is to let you know that your article on God's providing clothing for Adam and Eve after the "Fall" was mentioned (not commented on, but ...).
It was quite good and just thought you might like to know that you may have touched some in the Jewish faith here - I shall ask if any were "brave enough" to bring it up.
Thank you for it and I shall keep your web site in my "bookmarks".
How interesting. I'm always tickled to know that my efforts are reaching people in some small way. Thank you for telling me. No, I have heard from this group directly, but I'm glad some are benefiting from studying God's word even though we disagree about the conclusions.