How do I get a hold of hymns written by members of the churches of Christ?
Do you know of any way to get a hold of a collection of hymns written by members of the churches of Christ? I very recently joined the church and have been wondering why we sing songs that were written by unsaved people? I actually love these old hymns like "Sweet Hour of Prayer" and "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name", but I have felt odd singing them knowing that some of these were written by people who did not believe in baptism for the remission of sins.
What makes a song worthy to be used is what it says and not who wrote it. See Evaluating New Songs. There are many songwriters producing quality hymns. You can find a list of past writers from the church in Hymn Writers Among Churches of Christ. Songbooks, such as Sacred Selections for the Church, Hymns for Worship, Praise for the Lord, and Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs are all edited by members of the church and feature a number of songs written by members. There are also groups that are working to create outlets for songs written by Christians, publish individual songs, and are creating albums to teach those songs, such as Songs of the Church, Sumphonia, and Virtual Hymns Recordings.