Does I Corinthians 8 apply to not annoying fellow Christians?


After reading Would it be wrong to be buried in a denominational graveyard? I have a question: I knew that I Corinthians 8 addressed eating meat offered to idols.  I thought this portion referred to stronger Christians refraining from activities that may cause weaker Christians to stumble.

For example, I had an active role in service one Sunday, and a sister came to me afterward informing me that my keys distracted her during service.  I have a keychain that hangs from a belt loop.  My keys jingling as I walked wasn’t a sin, but it bothered her.  Since then, I leave my keys in the pews.  Am I applying these verses wrong?


Far too many things are labeled as an offense when they are really just an annoyance. See What is the spirit of offense?

As Christians, we are to avoid getting annoyed at others. See Of Gnats and Other Annoyances. But we should also avoid causing others to be annoyed at us. Our love for each other drives us to not be rude (I Corinthians 13:4-5). We are to treat others with courtesy (Titus 3:2). Thus, if silencing your keys helps a sister not to be distracted, then that is what is important -- not that key rattling will destroy someone's faith or drive them away from the church.

Thus, you have the right idea but it is based on the wrong passage.


OK, brother.  Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns.