Do you have other material on an elder’s children being faithful?


I just read your article on faithful children per Titus 1:6 and I must say I appreciate the way you handled it. I am in my first full-time work after graduating from preaching school and this question has come up. As if by providence we began our study of 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus about one month after I started here. In school, we were taught that when the children left the home the potential elder was not responsible for his children. But as I began to study, digging deep into God's word I had to change my mind on that position. God's word has to have the final say in all matters concerning life and the church. So now, I firmly hold that the potential elder's children must be faithful members of the church in order for him to qualified.

Can you give me any other pointers on this subject that were not covered in the article "When Paul speaks of "faithful children" in Titus 1:6, did he mean faithful to God or faithful to the parent?" I have read and studied many books, writers, commentaries, but they all fail at this point. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.


I have a few, shorter answers to related questions on the same topic:

Must an elder have faithful children?

Does an elder need to step down if one of his children falls away?

I recommend Dale Smelser's booklet, "The Rule of Elders," as a good study regarding the duties of an elder.

I'm glad you found the material useful and if I can be of further service, please let me know.

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