Can I use your pictures on my website?


I was lead to your web site and had a chance to view these very beautiful and symbolic pictures. I am an evangelist for the Lord, and I feel so many teens need to see these pictures, I was going to put some on my page. I also do Christian Rap music. God has shown me not only can I spread the Word to people but I can also put it in lyrical content, so that I may reach this new generation, who has been taken over and brainwashed by various secular music. I wasn't going to try to profit or do anything unrighteous with the pictures. I do want to share them because our youth is dying, and it's really our duty to plant as many seeds as possible. I'm sure you can relate, and agree. Please write back and let me know if it's okay to do that. Thank you


I hope you take into serious consideration Peter's statement, "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God" (I Peter 4:11). Too much that masquerades as "Christian music" are nothing more than secular ideas whitewashed with biblical terms. There is only one means to save people: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek" (Romans 1:16). It has never changed for timed or culture.

The pictures on our website are free for use in non-commercial applications (products that are not sold). Like Paul who said, "I preached the gospel of God to you free of charge" (II Corinthians 11:7), we do the same and would like people who borrow the material to pass on the same blessing. (Politeness would also request that you credit the source of the material.) I do give permission for the content of the site to be used in commercial ventures, but only when I fully agree with the product in which it is being used. Since instrumental music is not permitted in the New Testament for worship, I have a strong feeling that I would not agree with the usage. See the sermons under the topic: Instrumental Music for more information.

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