Your web site is wonderful


I spend time each day exploring the Internet, looking for well researched and documented Bible studies. I just found your site. It is wonderful. Your preparation and effort are obviously blessing many people. I noticed the number of visitors to your website and it looks as though others have found your labors rewarding. May God bless you for your efforts.


Thank you very much for your kind words. The response to our website has exceeded our hopes. At this moment in time, we get about 2,100 visitors each day who view about 6,000 pages. In other words, each visitor averages looking at 3 pages. I think one of the reasons for the number of visits is my willingness to address any topic that is raised. I clean up the notes sent and if there is something that I can address from a biblical viewpoint, I will attempt to answer it. My reasoning is that if one person has this question, there are probably hundreds of others with the same question. That goal has definitely kept me on my toes studying a wide variety of subjects.

Fortunately, only a few notes aren't answered. Some are so foul that cleaning them up leaves nothing left. Others are simply promotions of false ideas, though I manage to find a few points to respond to in some notes and I will attempt them if they haven't been addressed before.

My greatest difficulty at the time is keeping up, the site, for the most part, is a one-man effort. But it is a pleasant problem to have.

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