Thank you for presenting the truth in areas that have divided the church


I, by chance, happened onto the La Vista congregation's web page and checked it out. What a surprise! Thank you for the work you are doing presenting the truth in some of the areas that have divided the church. I am talking about the usual controversial topics within the church; that is one cup vs. multiple cupskitchen or no kitchenone communion service vs twodressing modesty, etc.

My wife and I became members of the Lord's Church over 40 years ago. Coming out of a background of Baptists, we were so happy to have learned the truth, something that finally made sense! Among the congregations in our area more and more liberalism is taking place, from sponsoring Boy Scouts, scrap metal recycling, 5k races, wearing shorts and other inappropriate clothing, song service turning into singing instruction, holding hands during prayer, and sponsoring "trunk or treat" for Halloween like the denominational world. It is getting difficult to find a "basic - go by the Book" congregation with which to worship.

Therefore, we commend you highly for having this website available to the public. We made a computer tab made for the page for quick reference to aid us in our study. We just felt that a "thank you" was in order for such a good effort to enlighten truth seekers.


We're happy to be of service to people's studies. I hope you continue to find the site useful.

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