What can a young widow do about wanting sex?

Question: Hi, I’m wondering about how to stay healthy as a young widow? My husband passed 15 years ago prematurely, and I miss his natural intimacy. You have said in this article that unless we are married, we have no entitlement to sexual intimacy. However, a sex-life is highly recommended by doctors for general bloom…

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Who Is Responsible?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/WhoIsResponsible.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Galatians 6:1-10   I.         One of the issues that has divided brethren is that of doing good.             A.        The question is who is responsible?             B.        One side argues that it doesn’t matter, so long as the good is done. The other side argues that you cannot give away a responsibility God has…

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