Posts Tagged ‘weakness’
Notes on Weakness
Joshua 1:9 Nehemiah 8:10 Isaiah 12:2 II Corinthians 12:9-10 Philippians 4:13
Read MoreChristianity Is a Crutch
by Zeke Flores Some people say, “Christianity is a crutch for the weak!” I agree; it is a crutch. More precisely, it’s a help, a way to cope. God’s way is a comfort for the afflicted (II Corinthians 1:3-5), help for the persecuted (Hebrews 10:32-39), and strength for the downtrodden (Romans 8:31,36-39). The reason we…
Read MoreThings They Don’t Teach in School Text: I Timothy 6:17-21 I. It is that time of year again when the school bells begin to ring A. By the time a student graduates from high school, he will have invested about 15,120 hours in understanding a wide variety of subjects, which are considered necessary for success in this world. B. Many go on…
Read MoreA Gouge in a Pew
by Matthew W. Bassford A couple of weeks ago, I attended a friend’s funeral in an unfamiliar church building. I took a seat by an aisle and shortly noticed a gouge in the back of the pew support in front of me. The gouge was at knee height. To the left/exterior, it was narrow and…
Read MoreGod of the Weak by Raymond Warfel
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