Jesus the Divine Temple

by Doy Moyer John’s gospel begins by affirming that Jesus is the divine logos, the Word through whom all things were made. In Him is life and light. Life comes from Him, and He, the light of the world, came to this earth to overpower the darkness so that all who come to Him would…

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The Tabernacle of God by Joe Works Studying Leviticus

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Holiness: A Study of Leviticus

2016 Fall Gospel Meeting by Joe Works The Tabernacle of God Tabernacle of God (Handout) Tabernacle of God (Powerpoint) God with Us (Powerpoint) The Value of Old Testament Study The Value of Old Testament Study (Powerpoint) Be Holy for I am Holy Be Holy for I am Holy (Powerpoint) Acceptable to the…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I was asked if I could explain the concept of indwelling, specifically the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is an interesting question because what is asked is not necessarily what the questioner intended to ask. Most who ask this question have numerous misconceptions that interfere with a plain answer to…

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