Posts Tagged ‘Roman Empire’
When the Fullness of Time Had Come
by Wayne Chamberlain Sentry Magazine, December 2002 Throughout history, God has used natural events, nations, cultures, individuals, and even beasts to facilitate and accomplish the fulfillment of His will. Evidence is strongly indicative that God used some of these same components in preparation for the corning Messiah and the carrying of His message into all…
Read MoreIs the harlot in Revelation 17-18 the Roman Catholic Church?
Question: I’m reading the prophetic book of Revelation and comparing it with Daniel for I heard they are talking about the same subject. In chapters 17 to 18, it seems to be specific in symbolism for it points out that the woman, who is a whore, is a kingdom that sits on seven hills and…
Read MoreWas Rome a safe haven for runaway slaves?
Question: Was Rome at one time a safe haven for runaway slaves? Answer: Roman law in regard to slaves was quite severe. A Roman master could treat his slave as he pleased — sell him, beat him, or put him to death. However, morality and practical matters caused most masters to restrain their hands. After…
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