Posts Tagged ‘innocence’
Lessons from Children
by Jefferson David Tant In reading through the Bible, it is worth noting that we find no rebukes, criticisms, or condemnations of children. On the contrary, children are presented to us as models for us to imitate and follow. Consider some words Christ and Peter said concerning children. “At that time the disciples came to…
Read MoreDid Adam and Eve not know they were naked?
Question: Is it true that Adam and his wife did not know that they were physically naked before sin? I.e. the terms ‘naked’ and ‘clothed’ did not exist unto then. Answer: “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25). Adam and Eve were like little children in this…
Read MoreAre children truly innocent?
Question: I am researching about sin and sin in children. I read your writings and agree with you for the most part, but I have a problem with the idea of children being innocent. If children are not sinful, wouldn’t that make them sinless and almost perfect? Christ was the only one I knew was…
Read MoreThe Innocence of Jesus
by Bill Cavendar via Guardian of Truth XXIX: 3, p. 67, February 7, 1985 The Bible records six different trials that Jesus endured after He was seized in the Garden of Gethsemane. There were three Jewish trials: Before Annas (John 18:13,24); Before Caiaphas, aided by a group of priests and the Sanhedrin (Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65; John 18:14-28); Before…
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