How do you feel about giving non-monetary aid directly to a congregation?

Question: Our congregation has received a letter from a man in the Philippines requesting aid in the form of Bibles, songbooks, and other training materials. Given the concerns you mention, how do you feel about giving non-monetary aid directly to a specific congregation? Answer: Direct aid is less likely to be abused. However, I have…

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Christian Giving

by Richard Thetford Will a man rob God? There are some who rob God of what belongs to Him in the first place. In Malachi 3:8-9 we can read: “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are…

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Should children contribute to the church?

Question: My daughter is now eleven years old. When we, in the church, lay by in store on Sunday she has always put in her small amount. I have encouraged this to teach her to give. However, some oppose this with the view that giving is for adults, for the baptized. Of course, we don’t…

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Does I Corinthians 16:1-4 apply to general collections?

Question: Good day to you all. A question has come up here, one that always does, and has to do with I Corinthians 16:1-4. The questioner appears to be denying that the text is an authority for the weekly giving we practice here on the first day of the week. Apparently that: the giving of…

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Does a preacher need to give?

Question: Instead of me giving a certain amount of my support each week, if I was a gospel preacher asked the church to reduce what they give me for support in accordance with the amount I have been giving each week the past few months and not manually give, do you think that would be…

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Is giving to the church optional?

Question: One of our members mentioned that he was not contributing monetarily to help support the local work. Upon hearing him make that statement I informed him that he was wrong, that his first responsibility is to help support the local work. As an individual, if he wanted to help provide support elsewhere that would…

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Has anyone compiled a list of how much the Israelites were to give?

Question: Has anyone compiled a list of how much the Israelites were to give: tithes, offerings, firstlings, sacrifices, etc.? Answer: I assume from the way this question is worded that the desire is for a compilation of all the sacrifices and offerings that an Israelite would give under the law of Moses.  I am also…

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Giving: Some Things God Says

by Harry Pickup, Sr. via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 11, Sept. 1952. Many Christians are still squirmish about sermons on giving, even though the New Testament has more to say about this subject — with warnings against violations of the divine instructions concerning it — than the subject of baptism. The first sin scandal within…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         We talk about giving of our best to the Master             A.        I tried to show that such an idea was not about physical appearance, but spiritual service.                         1.         We need to give the best of our time, the best of our effort, to God.                         2.         We need to also support the church in doing…

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I.         At times I am amazed at the vagueness that has entered our beliefs             A.        I’m sure the wishy-washy-ness of the denominational world has much to do it.                         1.         To define something crisply means you are dividing people into two groups — those who are right and those who are wrong.                         2.         And “Heaven forbid, if we actually charge…

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Are Christians to tithe?

Question: Is tithing a New Testament standard? In other words, is it our responsibility to tithe or just to give what God purposes in our hearts? Answer: The concept of tithing is giving ten percent of your profits to God. It was a requirement for the Israelites living under the law of Moses to give…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 3:7-14 I.         The old year is behind us and a whole new year lies before us             A.        What does this year hold for you?                         1.         What would you like to do?                         2.         What will you actually do?             B.        Each day is unique                         1.         “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”                         2.         Today…

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Now Concerning the Collection: I Corinthians 16:1-2

by Wayne S. Walker Through the years some have been heard to ridicule the idea of “five acts of worship.” When we understand that the Biblical concept of “worship” involves “an act of homage or reverence to God” (see W. E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vol. IV, p. 235) then we can…

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Those “Strange” Macedonians

by Bonds Stocks via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 12, October 1952. “Moreover, brethren we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed upon the churches of Macedonia; How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. For to their…

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More About Those “Strange” Macedonians

by Bonds Stocks via The Preceptor, Vol. 2, No. 1, Nov. 1952. “Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia; How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. For…

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Can the church sponsor the growing of tobacco to raise funds?

Question: Some people depend on raising tobacco for income. Is it good for the church to use the Lord’s money to sponsor this kind of agriculture? Answer: I found this question particularly intriguing because of the underlying assumptions. In order to answer the question well, I need to address several related issues. How may a…

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