Ad Hominem Arguments

by Doy Moyer One of the most common logical fallacies is the ad hominem. It occurs when a person attacks the character of another rather than addressing the argument. There are many ways this happens, but one that I have seen several times is in questioning the honesty of one who differs. You don’t agree…

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Two Testimonial Testaments to Jesus

by Terry Wane Benton Paul “reasoned” with the Jews for three Sabbaths (Acts 17:2f) from the Scriptures (their own Scriptures). Thus, he started with what both sides agreed was true. The Scriptures had long been settled as true and authoritative to both sides participating in the discussion. The Scriptures would have to be handled accurately.…

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How to Differ!

Robert F. Turner Plain Talk, July 1974 Brethren frequently differ with one another, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. It may indicate conviction and our concern that others share our understanding of God’s word. Differences spring from various degrees of learning or experience, or from opinions expressed on moot questions. They may be…

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Am I teaching my own doctrine?

Question: Jeffrey, I had a recent conversation with a Baptist about the plan of salvation. He was of the once saved always saved group. I suppose they are somewhat different than the Freewill Baptists? Anyhow, in teaching baptism for the remission of sins to this fellow, along with the truth that a Christian can fall…

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Debate Thy Cause

by Earl Kimbrough Searching the Scriptures, January 1984 Religious debating in the nineteenth century became what one historian calls a “serious American indoor sport.” Many at the time certainly practiced this method of defending and spreading their beliefs. But no people used it more effectively than the restorers of New Testament Christianity. Most of the…

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Martignoni – Thrasher Debate on the Pope

John Martignoni, Catholic, and Thomas N. Thrasher, Christian via Meditate on These Things, April 2012 Proposition “The apostle Peter was the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.” Affirm: John Martignoni Deny: Thomas N. Thrasher Martignoni’s First Affirmative My task is to argue the affirmative of the proposition: “The apostle Peter was the first Pope of…

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