King of Kings

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton

Text: Psalm 47


I.         The Babylonian conquer, Nebuchadnezzar, was a mighty ruler

            A.        In his first year of reign, he destroyed the Assyrian Empire, and took over all its territory.

            B.        He then proceeded to expand his empire conquering the mighty merchant city-state of Tyre and the ancient kingdom of Egypt.

            C.        Daniel rightly called him the king of kings - Daniel 2:37-38

                        1.         But notice that Daniel states that it was God who placed Nebuchadnezzar into power

                        2.         Nebuchadnezzar was a mighty man, but there was someone mightier than he who was above him

                        3.         Daniel 2:20-22 - If God makes and breaks kings and kings of kings, what does this make God?

            D.        Nebuchadnezzar came to believe that his position was obtained by his own power - Daniel 4:28-30

                        1.         To prove to him otherwise, God removed him - Daniel 4:31-33

                        2.         When Nebuchadnezzar’s intelligence returned, he acknowledged God’s sovereignty - Daniel 4:34-37

                        3.         Note how God is addressed in this chapter: “Most High” - Daniel 4:32, 34

II.        God is the ultimate king

            A.        It is God who controls who governs - Luke 1:52

            B.        All governments exist by God’s will - Romans 13:1

            C.        People reign because wisdom put them in position - Proverbs 8:15-16

                        1.         But all true wisdom is from God - Romans 16:26-27

                        2.         It is God who grants wisdom - James 1:5; Proverbs 2:3-6

                        3.         Therefore, it is God who controls, as He demonstrated to Nebuchadnezzar by removing his wisdom.

            D.        It would be proper then to say that God is the only sovereign - I Timothy 6:13-16

                        1.         When we address God as Lord, it is not merely a term of respect or an acknowledgment that He rules our personal life

                        2.         God is the Lord because He is the one and only ruler of this universe.

                        3.         All nations serve God - Psalm 72:11

            E.        God is the God of gods - Deuteronomy 10:17

                        1.         This is not saying that God rules over other gods, but that He is far above them

                        2.         The gods of this world are imaginary. Our God is real - I Chronicles 16:25-26

III.       God’s reign has no end

            A.        Jeremiah 10:10 - An everlasting King

                        1.         Men die and their realms are taken by others.

                        2.         But God is eternal. He doesn’t die. He doesn’t relinquish control

                        3.         The Hebrew word Yahweh contains the concept of eternal. It is translated as Lord to combine it with the idea that He is the eternal ruler - Psalm 10:16

            B.        Even though ancient Israel no longer exists, God’s reign has no end - Psalm 146:10

                        1.         Therefore His kingdom, that which He rules, also has no end - Psalm 145:13

IV.      God’s co-regency

            A.        Jesus is our King

                        1.         The kingdoms of the world became Christ’s - Revelation 11:15

                        2.         This is what God had promised David, that one of his descendants would become the highest king - Psalm 89:26-27

                                    a.         Hinted at in a parable - Luke 19:12, 27

                        3.         Jesus stated he was given all authority - Matthew 28:18

                                    a.         As prophesied - Daniel 7:13-14

                        4.         Hence, Jesus is ruler of Kings - Revelation 1:5

                                    a.         He is the king of Kings - Revelation 17:14; 19:16

                                    b.         All will bow to His authority - Philippians 2:10-11

                                    c.         It is the reason we refer to Jesus as the Lord - Ephesians 4:5

            B.        Perhaps you are concern: “What a minute, that is God’s title!”

                        1.         True. But Jesus is God - John 1:1

                        2.         Jesus is the eternal ruler - Hebrews 1:8

            C.        But Jesus is not the Father

                        1.         It was the Father who gave Jesus His authority - John 19:11; Matthew 28:18

                        2.         One day, the kingdom will be returned to the Father - I Corinthians 15:24-28

                        3.         God, the Father, has ultimate sovereignty, but He gave His authority to another, Jesus.

                        4.         Jesus can wield that authority and has the right of it because he is God, one of the Godhead - Colossians 2:8-10

V.        What is amazing is that one who is so great takes the time to notice the lowly - Isaiah 57:15

            A.        God saves the brokenhearted - Psalm 34:18

            B.        It is the sacrifice God desires - Psalm 51:17

            C.        We are here to serve the Almighty King - Ecclesiastes 12:13

                        1.         It is what God expected of His people under the old covenant - Deuteronomy 10:12-13

                        2.         It is what He wants of His people today - Hebrews 12:28

            D.        Will you show love for your King by submitting to His will? - John 14:15

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