Do you have a summary of John 6?


I am witnessing to a Roman Catholic and we are discussing John 6 the bread of like. Without getting into the long word game over what they believe, I was wondering if you would have anything on John 6 I could read. I have been engaged in this ugliness long enough and I'm trying to piece together a summation of what John 6 really says and how other New Testament confirms my stance. The problem is I'm not very good at articulating my points, event hough they are correct. So any help would be much appreciated.


Witnessing is not a good word to use as it implies that you personally saw what had happened and can testify to that end. In regards to the New Testament, the apostles could rightly claim to be a witness (I John 1:1-4), but we can only teach what we have learned.

John 6 is covered in the following lesson:

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