Bible Studies
This page focuses on actual study material for learning the Bible. See the Bible Class Ideas pages for supplemental ideas and activities to accompany lessons.
- Bible studies on this site
- Adult Bible Class Material at Emery Hills Church of Christ A good-sized collection of studies on a variety of topics.
- Adult Bible Class Material at University Church of Christ A good collection written by several authors.
- The Authority Paradigm
- Bible Class Books by Gene Taylor, Jeff Asher, and other authors
- Bible Class Curriculum for Sunday School by F. L. Booth Easily adapted for use from about fourth grade to high school. Just over four years' worth of material.
- Bible Class Material This site sells the rights to download and use PDF files for workbooks.
- Bible Study Guide An extensive collection of Bible study material
- Bible Study Lessons Lessons by David Pratte, organized by books of the Bible
- A Bible Survey - An Adult Curriculum A three-year series.
- Bible Survey by Weldon Scott
- Bible Truth's Online Bible Study Course
- Bible World - Study Material PDF files on several topics. Includes some material in Spanish and Italian.
- Class Material by Jeff Smelser is mostly a series of questions for various textual readings of the Bible.
- Class Material by Joe Neil Clayton
- Embry Hills Church of Christ Children's Bible Class Material Contains preschool, first, and second-grade materials.
- Free Bible Study Books Presented as PDF booklets.
- The Gospel Way Booklets with questions on various books of the Bible
- Incline My Heart Materials that teach the Inductive Bible Study method using the NET Bible text as its base. Both online and printed versions are available.
- Oak Ridge Church of Christ / David J. Riggs
- Online Bible Study Course
- Pen of a Ready Writer I don't usually post links to denominational writers, but this one does contain lessons that look scripturally sound and have good ideas about presentation. Use with caution.
- Rays of Light by Keith Holder. These lessons are more commentary, but there are lessons for the entire New Testament and about 1,000 lessons from the Old Testament.
- Net Bible Studies:
- A Study of Denominations
- Study Materials by Reg Ginn: Full workbooks on topics and books of the Bible are in PDF format. They are done in outline style.
- Walking in Sunlight by Bill Fairchild, Jr.
- Word Bible Courses Courses to assist people in learning more about the Bible and about Christianity in structured, self-directed lessons.
- Workbooks by Charles Willis. Adult, High School, and Junior High curriculum in Question and Answer format.