Survey of the Bible - Numbers

Text: Hebrews 3:7-19


I.         The book of Numbers continues the story of Israelites as they travel from Sinai to the Promise Land

            A.        It is during this time that the wilderness wanderings take place.

            B.        The book of Numbers takes its name for the two censuses taken, one as they leave Sinai and the other just prior to their entrance into Canaan.

                        1.         The Hebrew Bible calls it “In the wilderness” but in the Septuagint it was called “Arithmetic” which then became “Numbers” in the Latin Bibles.

            C.        It can also be seen as a book of complaints

                        1.         They complained about the journey - Numbers 11:1-3

                        2.         They complained about the food - Numbers 11:4-6

                        3.         They complained about Moses - Numbers 12:1-2

                        4.         They complained about the giants - Numbers 13:33-14:2

                        5.         They complained about their leaders - Numbers 16:3

                        6.         They complained about God’s judgment - Numbers 16:41

                        7.         They complained about the desert - Numbers 20:2-5

                        8.         They complained about the food and water again - Numbers 21:5

            D.        Thus it is also a book detailing the unbelief of the Israelites

II.        Outline of Numbers

            A.        Organizing the Nation - Numbers 1-12

                        1.         Census - Numbers 1

                        2.         Organizing the Camp for travel - Numbers 2-4

                        3.         Laws on Restitution for Sin, Adultery, the Nazarites - Numbers 5-6:21

                        4.         Blessing as they prepare to leave - Numbers 6:22-27

                        5.         Offerings of the Leaders - Numbers 7

                        6.         Dedication of the Tabernacle and the Levites - Numbers 8

                        7.         Passover - Numbers 9:1-14

                        8.         God leads with a cloud - Numbers 9:15-23

                        9.         Leaving Sinai - Numbers 10

                        10.       Appointing of leaders under Moses - Numbers 11

                        11.       Jealousy of Aaron and Miriam - Numbers 12

            B.        Rejection of the Promise Land 13-14

                        1.         Sending of the twelve spies - Number 13

                        2.         Rejection and curse upon the people - Numbers 14:1-38

                        3.         The people try to take Canaan anyway and are repulsed - Numbers 14:39-45

            C.        Wilderness Wanderings - Numbers 15-19

                        1.         Laws for when the reach Canaan - Numbers 15

                        2.         Korah’s Rebellion and after effects - Numbers 16

                        3.         Proof that Aaron was God’s chosen - Numbers 17

                        4.         Laws for the Priests and Levites - Numbers 18

                        5.         Purification from Uncleanness - Numbers 19

            D.        Travel to the Promise Land - Numbers 20-26

                        1.         The Sin of Moses, Miriam and Aaron’s death - Numbers 20

                        2.         Initial Wars South and East of Canaan, Travel around Edom and The Brazen Serpent - Numbers 21

                                    a.         Interesting note of Israel’s impact in history.

                                                (1)       The Greek’s image for their god of healing was a serpent twined on a pole

                                                (2)       It is continued to be used as symbol for people in the medical profession

                        3.         Moab tries to stop Israel with Balaam’s help - Numbers 22-25

                        4.         Second Census - Numbers 26

            E.        Laws - Numbers 27-30

                        1.         Inheritance laws - Numbers 27:1-14

                        2.         Joshua named Moses’ successor - Numbers 27:15-23

                        3.         Offering laws - Numbers 28-29

                        4.         Laws concerning vows - Numbers 30

            F.        Settlement of the East side of the Jordan - Numbers 31-32

                        1.         Destruction of the Midianites - Numbers 31

                        2.         Settling of the East side - Numbers 32

            G.        Review of the Journey - Numbers 33

            H.        Rules for settling Canaan - Numbers 34-36

                        1.         Apportioning Canaan for the tribes - Numbers 34

                        2.         Cities of Refuge for the Levites - Numbers 35

                        3.         Inheritance laws for unusual cases - Numbers 36

III.       Types

            A.        The Rock - I Corinthians 10:4

                        1.         Refers back to Numbers 20:7-11

                        2.         And Jesus’ claim of being living water - John 4:10; 7:37-38

            B.        The Brazen Serpent - John 3:14-15

                        1.         Refers back to Numbers 21:6-9

                        2.         And possibly alluded to in John 12:32-33

            C.        Cities of Refuge - Hebrews 6:18

                        1.         Refers back to Numbers 35

                        2.         We flee from the just punishment of our sins to claim refuge at the hands of our God.