Prophecies for Ethiopia

Text: Isaiah 18

An Invitation to Watch - Isaiah 18:1-3

This message begins differently than the other prophecies. The initial word is hoy, which means "alas" or "woe." When used in prophecy, it asserts that the judgments about to be stated are unavoidable.

Ethiopia is described as a land of many insects. It is located mostly west of the rivers which feed the Nile. It has sent envoys via boats made of papyrus reeds. These made swift, light crafts.

God urges them to return swiftly with a message.

The Ethiopians are described as tall and smooth (not hairy) people. They are feared far and wide because they are powerful and oppressive.

It is a land divided by the tributaries of the Nile River.

The world is invited to watch for a signal that is difficult to miss (Isaiah 5:26; 11:12; 13:2).

God Will Prune - Isaiah 18:4-6

God will wait quietly for the proper time and relax as people do in the heat of summer. It will be refreshing as dew settling during the heat of harvest. However, before the harvest is taken, God will cut sprigs and branches; thus, preventing the harvest. The number of deaths will be so great that bodies will be left unburied, feeding birds and wild animals for months.

This is likely a reference to Assyria's invasion of Israel and Judah. Just as it was about to conquer Jerusalem to complete its conquest, God destroyed Sennacherib's army, causing him to flee back to Assyria.

Homage to God Will Come from Ethiopia - Isaiah 18:7

The question is, why would the Ethiopians need to know this? Some wonder if they were hired by the Assyrians or by Judah to support their side of the battle. It seems that God is telling them to hold off and not get caught in the destruction.

Seeing what God does will cause the Ethiopians to be in awe, and they will send a gift of homage to the Lord (II Chronicles 32:22-23).

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