Subscription Lists, Newsletters, and Magazines

Subscription Lists

Subscription Lists mail out contributions by list members to all members of the list. You usually get individual emails or a daily summary for each list.

BibleList - Provides sermons, articles, etc without discussion, for members of the Church of Christ.

Brethren On-Line - An announcement list for members of the Church of Christ.

Mars-List - A discussion list for members of the Church of Christ. Be forewarned that it has a reputation of getting heated at times. It is a very active list, generating numerous messages.


Newsletters are mailed periodically, but the content is controlled by the editor of the newsletter.

Sound Doctrine Magazine Free emailed newsletter in PDF format.


Blogs are running journals which often allow commentary by readers.

Leon's Message Board A blog by Leon Mauldin on the history and geography of the Bible. Leon conducts tours regularly to the Bible lands and his blog is filled with photos and information about the places he has visited.

The Moving Word - An excellent blog operated by Richard Mansel.


Magazines are physically mailed to subscribers, but most keep back issues and articles on the Internet. Some now avoid the printed page and publish directly to the Internet.

Biblical Insights is now defunct. The link is to an archive of the old site.

Focus Magazine

Forthright Magazine

Gospel Truths is now defunct. The link is to an archive of the old site.

Our Hope An on-line magazine for women, emphasizing dealing with grief, trials, mental illnesses, chronic illnesses, old age, and deaths. The site is now defunct. The link is to an archive of the old site.

Truth Magazine

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