Creation Versus Evolution Resources
Answers in Genesis
This is an organization devoted to explaining the scientific evidence of the creation and flood in layman terms. It tackles issues, such as the errors in evolutionary theory and the age of the earth. It does have a strong Calvinistic viewpoint, but its evidence on the science is well presented.
Apologetics Press
This is a general site for dealing with issues in Christianity to provide answers to common charges against the Bible. Among the issues dealt with are those dealing with the Creation, the Flood, and Evolution.
Center for Scientific Creation
- In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood by Walt Brown The complete book is available online with continuing updates. This is not light reading, but the information presented is fascinating and easy to understand. For every point made, detailed citations are available to verify the information.
- Hydroplate Theory Videos by Bryan Nickel Nickel has taken some of the points made in Brown's book, In the Beginning, and made videos illustrating the points.
Institute for Creation Research
This is a group of scientists dedicated to research topics related to the Creation, the Flood, and Evolution. Most of the material is understandable to the layman, but some can get deep into the science.