Standard Bible Story Readers - Book Two Standard Bible Story Readers - Book Two by Lillie A. Faris illustrated by O. A. Stemler and Bess Bruce Cleaveland published by The Standard Publishing Company, 1925 Jesus guiding a boy as father looks on To guide our feet to the way of peace Luke 1:78 Daffadils Song 2:12 Boy washing his hands at a dry sink (Being thankful for water) Psalm 100:4 Girl and a rabbit getting a drink from a spring (Being thankful for water) Psalm 100:4 Boy planting lettuce seed in a garden Mark 4:26-29 Girl watering flowers in the garden Mark 4:26-29 The Birds have Nests Matthew 8:20 All the Birds have Made Their Nests Ezekiel 31:6 God Feeds the Birds Matthew 6:26 God has made Winter Psalm 74:17 A Land of Milk and Honey Deuteronomy 11:9 Little boy thanking his mother for a new coat Little boy thanking the storekeeper for his new coat Little boy thanking the tailor for his new coat Little boy thanking the woolen mill owner for his new coat Little boy thanking the farmer for his new coat Little boy thanking the sheep for his new coat Little boy thanking God for his new coat Ephesians 5:20 A flock of sheep in the winter snow Sweet-Pea Babies Psalm 127:3 A multitude of angels praising the Savior's birth Luke 2:13 Wise men journeying to Jerusalem Matthew 2:1 Wise men giving gifts to the new born king Matthew 2:11 Mary with the child, Jesus Luke 2:39 Jesus grew up in Nazareth Luke 2:40 The carpenter's son Matthew 13:55 Jesus grew in the grace of God Luke 2:40 Jesus in the temple discussing his Father's business Luke 2:46-49 A man cleansed of leprosy Luke 5:12-13 Peter's mother-in-law was healed Matthew 8:14-15 A man blind from birth John 9:1 Jesus annoints the blind man's eyes with clay John 9:6 People are surprised the blind man can now see John 9:8 Jesus touched the eyes of a blind man and he saw Mark 8:22-25 Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 A deaf man is healed Mark 7:32-35 A ruler asks Jesus to heal his daughter Mark 5:21-23 A woman bent with infirmity was healed by Jesus Luke 13:11-13 Jesus heals a man's withered hand on the Sabbath Matthew 12:9-13 Lepers come to Jesus for healing Luke 17:12-13 One former leper returns to thank Jesus Luke 17:14-19 Border with Queen Anne's Lace and a Sparrow Jesus heals a man by the pool of Bethseda John 5:2-9 An Israelite home with a typical flat roof Mark 2:4 Jesus heals a paralytic man lowered from the roof Mark 2:1-12 Scene of a Jewish village Mark 2:1 Jesus went on a mountain alone by the Sea of Galilee John 6:15 A storm arose on the Sea of Galilee John 6:18 Jesus commands the sea to be calm Mark 4:39 The Sea of Galilee becomes calm Mark 4:39 A boy receives a basket of bread loaves and fish from his mother The boy goes to hear Jesus speak Jesus was speaking beside the Sea of Galilee John 6:1 There were only five loves and two fish available John 6:9 The disciples distributed the loves and fish John 6:11 Girl watching birds eat bread crumbs in the snow Joseph, search for his brothers, is told they had gone to Dothan Genesis 37:15-17 Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers Genesis 37:25-28 Jacob is told that a cloak was found Genesis 37:31-33 Joseph becomes a ruler in Egypt Genesis 41:38-43 Joseph's brothers come to ask for grain Genesis 42:5-8 Samuel is presented to Eli I Samuel 1:24-28 Samuel's mother brought him new clothes each year I Samuel 2:19 Samuel hears someone calling him in the night I Samuel 3:2-4 Samuel tells Eli that he heard him calling I Samuel 3:8 Samuel tells God that he is willing to listen I Samuel 3:10 Elijah and the woman at Zarephath I Kings 17:10-14 Elijah raises the woman at Zarephath's son I Kings 17:17-24 In my Father's house are many mansions John 14:1-3 A robin watching over his eggs in a nest Women come to Jesus' grave but are told by an angel that he is not here Mark 16:1-7 The disciples watch as Jesus ascends into heaven Acts 1:9 The feeding of the five thousand Matthew 14:19-21 Jesus blesses the loaves and fish before feeding the five thousand Matthew 14:19 Garden of Flowers in the Rain (Being thankful to God for the rain) Deuteronomy 32:2 Flowers and Birds (A clear day after the rain) II Samuel 23:4 Illustrations Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...