The Messiah from Prophecy to the Throne
A chronological and cumulative examination of Messianic prophecies from the Prophets and Psalms for what could have been known about the Messiah in each century B.C.
All material is presented as PowerPoint slides.
- Introduction
- The Seed of Woman
- The Prophet from Judah
- The Messiah in Selected Psalms (Part 1)
- The Messiah in Selected Psalms (Part 2)
- The Messiah in Selected Psalms (Part 3)
- 9th Century B.C. - The Divided Kingdom
- 8th Century B.C. - Amos and Hosea
- 7th Century B.C. - Micah and Isaiah
- 7th Century B.C. - Isaiah (part 2)
- 7th to 6th Century B.C. - Isaiah (part 3)
- 6th Century B.C. - Zephaniah, Habbakuk, and Jeremiah
- 6th Century B.C. - Jeremiah (part 2)
- 6th Century B.C. - Ezekiel and Daniel
- 6th Century B.C. - Daniel (part 2)
- 6th Century B.C. - Daniel (part 3)
- 6th Century B.C. - Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
- From Genesis to Malachi
- The Seed as Prophet
- The Seed as King
- The Seed as Priest
- The Seed as Judge
- From Prophecy to Messianic Reign