
Reading Assignment:

John 16:5-33  

Did you understand what you read?

  1. Jesus said they didn’t ask where he was going, but isn’t that what Thomas asked in John 14:5? Explain how this isn’t a contradiction.
  2. How were the disciples reacting to Jesus’ statements about going? How is Jesus lessening the blow?
  3. What three things would the Holy Spirit convict the world? Why was it necessary?
  4. Why couldn’t Jesus tell them more just then? Who would tell them more later?
  5. What didn’t the disciples understand? Who did they talk to? Who didn’t they talk to?
  6. What will happen to the disciples shortly? How will the rest of the world react?
  7. What illustration did Jesus use to show that their sorrow would not last? Why wouldn’t it last?
  8. How is it that the disciples would not question Jesus about anything in the future?
  9. How has Jesus been speaking to the disciples? How will he speak later?
  10. Whose love did Jesus assure the disciples they had?
  11. Did the disciples understand Jesus, then?
  12. Is it going to stay with them?
  13. Do they need to worry later that they had left Jesus alone?


The Promise They Won’t Be Alone (John 16:5-15)

Jesus points out once again that he is going, but none of the disciples has asked where he is going. At first, this seems odd because earlier, Thomas had said they didn’t know where Jesus was going and asked how could they know the way. (John 14:5) But notice that even in this question, Thomas didn’t really ask Jesus where he was going. Thomas was more focused on the fact that they would be separated, and he didn’t know how to join back up with his Lord. Peter, too, had asked more directly where Jesus was going (John 13:36). Though Jesus had answered both times, it appears the answer did not stick in their minds, which is why Jesus is repeating the statement. He says he is going yet once again, but this time, no one even bothers to ask where. They are too wrapped up in their grief to ask (John 16:6). Yet where he is going is the key to the end of their sorrow (John 14:28). Instead, sorrow has filled their hearts.

It was to the disciples' advantage for Jesus to leave because only by leaving could the Holy Spirit come to help them. And when the Spirit does come, He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. These are tasks that the Spirit would accomplish through the disciples, as seen in Acts 2:37-41. The world needs to be convicted of sin because they do not believe in Jesus and he is the only way out of sin (John 3:36; Mark 16:16). The world needs to be convicted of righteousness because it rejected the teachings of Christ, but God demonstrates that Jesus is righteous by Jesus going to be with Him (John 14:6). The world needs to be convicted of judgment because Satan has been judged (Colossians 2:15) and if those following Satan don’t repent, they will receive the same judgment (Acts 17:31; Ephesians 2:2; Acts 26:18).

There was more that the disciples needed to know, but they were not ready to receive those things yet. But it isn’t that they won’t learn them because Jesus is leaving. When the Holy Spirit comes, he will teach them these things and about things that are yet to be. He won’t be teaching anything different from Jesus but taking the teachings of Jesus and disclosing it to the disciples.

Notice that the equality of the Godhead is seen here. All that the Father has belongs to the Son. The Spirit takes all that the Son has to disclose to the disciples. None of this could be possible unless they were equal (Matthew 11:27; 28:18; John 14:19).

The Promise That Their Sorrow Won’t Last (John 16:16-22)

Jesus’ statement in John 16:16 confused the disciples as he said that shortly they would not see him, then they would see him for a little while until he goes to the Father in Heaven. Hindsight tells us that they would not see Jesus while he was in the tomb, but afterward, when he was resurrected, they would see him briefly before he ascended into heaven. The disciples discussed it among themselves but could not make sense of the statement.

Eventually, Jesus intervenes to explain further. The disciples are about to experience a time of great sorrow that the world, in general, will not share. Their sorrow, however, would not be permanent; it would turn to joy. He likened it to a woman in labor. The birth of a child is painful, but once the child is born, the joy is so great that the pain is forgotten. The disciples, too, will experience sorrow, but Jesus will see them again, and that sorrow will be replaced with a joy so great that it will never leave them (I Peter 1:8).

The Promise That God Will Listen (John 16:23-30)

Once again, Jesus tells them that once their sorrow is replaced with joy, they must ask the Father under Jesus’ authority, and the Father will give them what they asked. The disciples have come to depend on Jesus for instruction and protection (Matthew 8:25; John 11:3). Though he would no longer be there with them physically, he tells them that they only need to ask the Father and their needs would be answered.

Jesus used a lot of figurative language with the disciples, but later, he would talk to them plainly about the Father so they would understand. Then, they could ask the Father in Jesus’ name directly. Jesus isn’t saying in John 16:26 that he would no longer make intercessions for the disciples but that he would not be between the disciples and the Father. His own intercessions on their behalf would continue (Romans 8:34; I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 7:25; 9:24; I John 2:1). They will be able to approach the Father because of a better understanding of who the Father is and because they understand that the Father loves them because of their own love and faith in Jesus.

Jesus came from the Father into the world, and now it was time for him to return to the Father. This is yet another statement showing the divinity of Jesus. Men do not decide when to enter or leave the world, yet Jesus did both (John 10:17-18). This statement the disciples thought they understood. They accepted that Jesus came from God and would return to the Father. What they couldn’t grasp was the means of which would leave them for the Father.

The Promise That Jesus is Never Alone (John 16:31-33)

Jesus asked, “Do you now believe?” Even though they have asserted the truth about who Jesus was in the past, it doesn’t mean the belief was solidly there. It is a good thing if it has been firmly rooted in their mind because that faith will soon be tested. Very shortly, they will be scattered and will abandon Jesus. But they should never look back on this day and think that Jesus was left completely alone. The Father is always with His Son.

But Jesus is telling them these things in advance so they can have peace later. There is no worldly peace because there will always be trouble in this world. But they can have peace of mind knowing that Jesus has overcome the world. Knowing that Jesus has done so gives us hope as well. Nothing can stop the will of God from being done.

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