Survey of the Bible – II Peter

Text: II Peter 3


I.         I Peter dealt with how Christians handle persecution. II Peter is focused more on the internal problems that Christians face

            A.        There is modern day controversy over II Peter

                        1.         The claim is that it isn’t quoted by early Christian writers.

                                    a.         It is a false claim because Clement of Rome quotes II Peter 3:1, though he doesn’t mention his source. I Clement, where the quote appears was written about AD. 95

                                    b.         One write counted 15 or 16 quotes from II Peter in early Christian writings. []

                        2.         “One of the pages of this manuscript shows the end of 1 Peter and the beginning of 2nd Peter and this manuscript called P-72 is dated at around 200 AD.” [“Good Evidence for Historical Reliability for 2 Peter as written by Peter Himself,”]

            B.        It is consistent with Peter’s life

                        1.         The book is by Simon Peter - II Peter 1:1

                        2.         It refers to Jesus prediction - John 21:18-19 and II Peter 1:14

                        3.         He witnessed the transfiguration - II Peter 1:16-18

                        4.         It acknowledges the first letter - II Peter 3:1

                        5.         He sees himself as an equal to Paul - II Peter 3:15

                        6.         Phrases and words used in II Peter match Peter’s sermons in Acts.

            C.        Dating

                        1.         Just before Peter’s death, believed to be in AD 68 - II Peter 1:14

                        2.         Usually placed between AD 64 and 66.

            D.        Notes

                        1.         Peter confirms that Paul’s writings are Scriptures - II Peter 3:16

                        2.         II Peter 2 and Jude are very similar in content, but not the same

II.        Purpose

            A.        A reminder - II Peter 1:12-13; 3:1-2

            B.        A warning - II Peter 3:17

            C.        An encouragement - II Peter 3:18

III.       Outline

            A.        A Christian’s Character - II Peter 1

                        1.         Salutation - II Peter 1:1-2

                        2.         Growth in qualities - II Peter 1:3-11

                        3.         A reminder - II Peter 1:12-15

                        4.         Confidence - II Peter 1:16-21

            B.        False teachers - II Peter 2

                        1.         Bound to have false teachers - II Peter 2:1-3

                        2.         Destruction of false teachers assured - II Peter 2:4-9

                        3.         Characteristics of false teachers - II Peter 2:10-22

            C.        Christ will return - II Peter 3

                        1.         Reminder - II Peter 3:1-2

                        2.         People will doubt Jesus’ return - II Peter 3:3-4

                        3.         The world will be destroyed - II Peter 3:5-10

                        4.         The Christian’s response - II Peter 3:11-18