Survey of the Bible - I Timothy

Text: I Timothy 1:1-11


I.         Background

            A.        The books of I Timothy and Titus appear to have been written about the same time because of their similar content.

            B.        Paul had spent two years in prison in Rome - Acts 28:30-31

            C.        Just before his release, he spoke of visiting the Philippians - Philippians 2:19-24

            D.        He also spoke of visiting Philemon over in Laodecia - Philemon 22

            E.        I Timothy 1:3 - Paul left Timothy in Ephesus while journeying to Macedonia where Philippi is at, but seems to have moved on since.

                        1.         Planned to winter in Nicopolis (western edge of Greece) - Titus 3:12

                        2.         Wording is such that Paul is likely already in Nicopolis and is writing Titus from there.

            F.        I Timothy 3:14; 4:13 - Paul plans to join Timothy

            G.        Some believe Paul left for Spain from Nicopolis - Romans 15:24, 28

                        1.         It would explain the concern that he might be delayed and the need to leave instructions before going - I Timothy 3:14-15

            H.        Mostly likely written AD 62-63

II.        About Timothy

            A.        Most of Paul’s letters were written to churches, but four are written to individuals.

            B.        Paul met Timothy in Lystra - Acts 16:1-3

                        1.         He was well taught by his mother and grandmother - II Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15

                        2.         He is listed as a co-author on six of Paul’s letters

                        3.         He traveled with Paul through Macedonia and Achaia - Acts 17:14-15; 18:5

                        4.         He spent a lot of time in Ephesus - Acts 19:22

                        5.         He often was sent by Paul to represent him and likely delivered some of the letters - I Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 2:19-22; I Thessalonians 3:2

                        6.         He was with Paul during his imprisonment in Rome.

            C.        Timothy is referred to as a youth - I Timothy 4:12

                        1.          His youth is hinted at in Paul’s second letter - II Timothy 2:22

                        2.         Timothy started traveling with Paul in Acts 16, about A.D. 50. He was already a Christian before Paul met him - Acts

                        3.         I Timothy was written about A.D. 63. and II Timothy was written about A.D. 67.

                        4.         We have a span of at least 17 years when Timothy was still relatively young. If we say that Timothy was 29 when II Timothy was written, that means he as about 25 in I Timothy and he was a Christian before the age of 12!

III.       Purpose

            A.        Paul wanted Timothy to defend the Gospel against false teachers - I Timothy 1:3-7

                        1.         This quite a challenge considering Timothy’s age - I Timothy 4:11-12

                        2.         But also his natural timidness - II Timothy 1:7-8

                        3.         Fight the good fight - I Timothy 6:12

            B.        How to conduct himself as a preacher - I Timothy 3:14-15; 4:13-16

            C.        It is a manual in leadership for young preachers and workers in the church

            D.        There are five charges, which become the topics of each section

IV.      Outline

            A.        The Good Warfare - I Timothy 1

                        1.         Salutations - I Timothy 1:1-2

                        2.         Paul’s past instruction to Timothy: charge others not to teach false doctrine - I Timothy 1:3-11

                        3.         Paul’s thankfulness for Christ’s mercy and his work - I Timothy 1:12-17

                        4.         The charge to wage the good warfare - I Timothy 1:18-20

            B.        Conduct in the Church - I Timothy 2-3

                        1.         Instructions to men concerning prayer - I Timothy 2:1-8

                        2.         Instructions to women concerning modesty - I Timothy 2:9-15

                        3.         Qualifications of Elders - I Timothy 3:1-7

                        4.         Qualifications for Deacons - I Timothy 3:8-13

                        5.         The charge to know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God - I Timothy 3:14-16

            C.        Command and teach these things - I Timothy 4

                        1.         Failing away will happen - I Timothy 4:1-5

                        2.         Exercise toward godliness - I Timothy 4:6-11

                        3.         Take heed to yourself - I Timothy 4:12-16

            D.        Dealing with others impartially - I Timothy 5

                        1.         Behavior toward others - I Timothy 5:1-2

                        2.         Treatment of widows - I Timothy 5:3-16

                        3.         Treatment of elders - I Timothy 5:17-20

                        4.         Be impartial and untainted - I Timothy 5:21-22

                        5.         Example of not being extreme - I Timothy 5:23

                        6.         Not everything is obvious - I Timothy 5:24-25

            E.        Guard what was committed to you - I Timothy 6

                        1.         Attitudes of servants - I Timothy 6:1-2

                        2.         Attitudes of false teachers - I Timothy 6:3-5

                        3.         Attitude toward money - I Timothy 6:6-10

                        4.         Pursue righteousness - I Timothy 6:11-16

                        5.         Commands to the rich - I Timothy 6:17-19

                        6.         Guard what was committed to you - I Timothy 6:20-21