The Lord's Supper


  1. While no more or no less important than any other part of our public worship, the Lord's Supper should be considered as a solemn occasion that deserves careful preparation and proper execution.
  2. Everything possible should be done to allow the worshipers to partake without distraction.
  3. Read I Corinthians 11:27

For the Person Presiding at the Table

A short talk describing what we are doing is in order.

  1. Visitors may be present who are unaware of the Bible's teaching on this subject.
  2. It helps all Christians to center their thoughts on Calvary.
  3. These remarks should be well chosen and prepared ahead of time.
  4. Keep the remarks brief. This is not the time for a sermon.
  5. Never introduce a light-hearted or humorous thought.

The reading of Scripture is very appropriate.

  1. The reading should also be kept brief.
  2. The text used should make some reference to the subject at hand, that is to the death of Jesus which we are remembering.
  3. Some passages are often used, such as Matthew 26 and I Corinthians 11, but others are equally fitting. See Notes on Communion, The Lord's Supper for ideas.

Make certain that everyone understands that the contribution is not a part of the Lord's Supper.

Prayers at the Lord's Table

  1. We should give a prayer of thanks for the bread and the fruit of the vine in imitation of Jesus' institution of the Lord's Supper (Luke 22:19-20).
  2. While there are many things for which we should pray, this is not the time to include them all. Keep these prayers brief and centered on the communion.

Getting the Job Done

  1. We might have an unusual number of visitors. Check the quantity in the trays in advance so that plenty will be available.
  2. Men waiting on the table should sit where they can easily walk up to the table without causing a disruption.
  3. Some agreement should be made in advance as to who will stand where and what part they will do.
  4. Stand straight, look neat, and dress appropriately.
  5. Remember: the bread is first and the fruit of the vine is second.
  6. Give a prayer of thanks before breaking the bread.
  7. Work in cooperation with the man at the other end of the pew.
  8. Be careful not to accidentally overlook anyone.
  9. Be aware of people that might need extra assistance, such as an elderly person or a mother holding on to a squirming child.
  10. One person should take the tray to the nursery. Be polite and knock before entering.
  11. Don't do it all over again for late-comers.


Have a passage concerning Jesus' death ready to read that does not come from Matthew 26 or I Corinthians 11. Prepare some brief remarks that go along with the reading.

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